Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — THE RESULT. [ARTICLE]
The Family Compact‘s Efforts Takc Effect. fl*e conld fill oor colamns bv publisLijg tbe insulting letters that fiom day to day eome into tbe hands of tbe loyal citizecs o! Hawaii. Even Her Majesty has been annoyed by tbese ebnllitions :of the men who cj!1 tbem3elves Americans and wbcse eompatriots we are invited to become. Here is one for a sample of the enterprise and gentlemjnliness of an alleged M. D. gradnated presomibly from a tooth pulling institution in Pbiiadelpbia. Tbis is how tbis animal writes to the Qaeen of Hawaii: Indianapolis, Indiana : U. S. A. Jauaarv 30. 1894. To Her Majesty’s Royal Highuess Liliuukalani, Qaeen of tbe Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu. My dear Madam; — 1 take tbis opportunity of addressiug yoa and making a business proposition that I am sure \vould prove exceeding!y reraun- ; erative to all parties concerned. 0f course. yoa are uot nnraindful of the fact tbat your Mujestv’s uame is a household wonl tbroughont tbe United States, and tbat the great mujority of the American people wonld be raore than delighted to bave tbe j pleashre of soeing you, as a very i large per ceut of tbem are deeply in sympathy with yon in your trials and \vrongs. With these facts in view, I mako this proposition. I ara preparing a lecture on the “Rape of the Hawaiian ! Crown,” nnd if you will eome to | the Uuited States atid be present : on the platform while I deliver the lecture, during the season, I will give you half of all tho proceeds, and I feel confident tbat there would be nn trouble in packing tbe largest Opera Honses nt the highest piiee. from San Francisco to New York. Saying •» o ! Dotbing of what notoriety I raay bave us a lecturer and writei, I ! iim confident thnt your presence wonld do this, !ind I feel justi3ed in assuring yon that I arn eap- ; able of doing the subject justice |and preseatmg this questiou to the peoplo ut Stfites j as it l;as never before been presented, and am s«re it woukl meet yonr Majesty’s highest ?tpproval. Huve enjoyed au uup;tralle!ed j success aud patronage iu my line for uiany yoars !ind will give you j any reference you may desiro upon this point. Hoping your Majest} ? will take tbis under serions consideration and if possible to oomply, do so, i with tbe assuranco of beuefits, ,fiaiuci:il and otherwise, beyond j anything you m!ty expect; and hoping for tho earliest possible reply, that I may arrange every- 1 thing to that end, I beg to re- i ! maiu, Yours sincerely, J. A. Houser M. D. We bave pnblished the above | letter as a specimen of what has ; beon received, but more snperior ! iu eheek, raore excellent in luek of fact is a letter received by n gentleman in Honolnlu from Mr. C. A. Wtbster, the advertising agent in the Hawaiian viilage—a hoon eompanion of Lorrin A. Thurston in whieh Her Majesty is ot!ered most “aJvantageous’') chances b» 5raprove her condition by appoaring on the stage of the dime musenra meu. We ask in good faith Mr. Dole. Mr. D.unou, and even that uncouth representativo of the p. g. if they wonld like a proposition to their wives to go on the stage and apj>ear among the Hula dancers, the • shark catcbers, and the rongh representation (in raalos) of Hawaii? These insnlts to the Qaeen of Hawaii have been bronght on throngh the evil of Thurston, AIexander i aud 0ompany. They will be an swered in due time and God belp them when the day of wrath falls on the heads of these traducers I their wives and their cbildreu. Uawaii will uot help them.