Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — PUNCH. [ARTICLE]

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The “Unfermented'' Advertiser i i When we vester<lav maile a re- j mark in regard to the puneh sold at the Feast of Nations, the pro- | cecds of whieh were to go to tbe W. C. X. I., we hardly thought j ♦hnt we woula be taken au*erieux, > and causo our inenel ln i i rnornmg cryer to wnto au editorial on puueh. Xo better illusiration ot the extremely narrow ( minde«lness, an 1 petty spirit could be farnished than the alleged refusal of the committee of the Feast of Nations to receive the mone\- made in the Hawaiiun 1 booth because part of it was n)nde throngh tbe sa'o of pnneh. Lidies and (if you have any) : 1 gentlemen trv to becorae civiliz- 1 ° • i ed and get over these absurdities i j that render you ridiculous to the [ world. Your sons, your fatbers. your husbands and (shall we say it) your daughters, took. very handsome “nips” at the Hawaiian punehhowl, and from the point of a physician we raust sav 1 , tl;at it did their Jisgestive organs | , good after consummating iee | cream, apples, grapes, candies, \ j oranges, ehoeolaie «nd other mix ed delicacies Mr. D.>le is goiugto | have l‘is bnnd play on Sundays. 1 Mr. Dole was at one iime.. if we remember rightly—relieved of his membcrship in the Congregational cliurch, Mr. Dole is altcgether not an orthodox “missionary.” Now if he has the actual leadership of this Feast of Nations, and he refuses to accept the rosults of the kind efforts of Mrs. līaalelen and Mr. J. A. Cummins, because there was “punoh" in the booth. he and tho ladies with him are a great deal more ridicnlons anJ absurd. tban even this humble jonrnal I ( ever has attempted to make them appear. We have a number of (

menas wno woraeii ioruiis cuaritab!e baz.iar, we have the highest esteem for the parpose of it, and we have although, ii was tried ( to make politicaI capital out of the enterprise, endeavored to j “boom”’ the atfi»ir. But if the management at this late date is to follow the lead of tbe Adceri tiser. aud appear in a more than usual idiotic light, we hall wr.tes j the historv of the feast to the J a grvat amQsoment of the whole • couctry, starting from the Ger- t man—French war and finishiug fj at the Mexican, Amenoan im- , g broglio. And then we recom- i j mend the Hawaiian booth to > h tng on to the puoeh eoiu, and ! g donata it to some truly cbaiitable ! iinstitution— say the Holohva or • the matnmony—beg paxdon—> i t Matoraity ljomo. {]