Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IZE ED. Anheuser-I3usch IBreAving: Co. ’W'in.* thc 3?rize atthe Worlcl’s 3?air with their h JBr*and I3eer. St. Lo r n. Oct. 28, 1893. Messrs. Macfarlane Co., L’o., Honolalu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —TVe bave mailed yon a copy of the Globe-Democrat iannouncing the grent victory won by tha A.vteusek-Bcsu Assoclai tIOX with their ‘ EAOLE Braud of Beer. [Signed] ANHELSER-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. m i wnw S5 § & % & K & 3 X >r & X ■¥ & Cv> % <T RI£H1H» In orderiug this Beer.be snre to usk foi the “EAOLE’’ Braud. <& Co., Afjents for Haimiian Islo.nds. Mar. 14—2md. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Rccord: Fourth Heat 2:15. M< de at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire, Promjiter, 2,30ō. by Pb c Bn1l. 75: D;ira, Onioe, by Bncoaneer, 2,G56. Pmmpter 18 »lso tbe Sm- of Apex, 2;2G; Trau-;it, 2:2tiS; \Viilker. 2:251; Wal$s, 2:27'.; Uhieo. 2:24: nnd of the Dams Pri1Iiautiue, 2:17 and \ igor, 2:28. “I’keoi e’’ is iet hliek. , oue hind white foot and small stripc in f«ee. \Veight, 1,050 ponuds; is very stylmh, gentle, a good prodncer -’nd n g«me mee forse, Will stund for a liuiited unmhr of mares at FIFTY (t50) DOLl.AKS FOR THE SFASOK, pnyab1e at time of serrioe. This horse was bred iu 1892 to forty-six mares au«l produced forty-two oo.ts. feb 17-lm 13 M DAYIS. 01BWAT & P0RTER, Rohinson Block . Hoiel St., helween Fort and Xuuanu, Have Just r.u 5« d. 1 11 1 £ 1 jivj; >. ll e • nf. <1J tLtl tf FUB KIIUEE Evei lmported to tl is Country, Comprising Handsoms Carved Bedroom S:ts In Soli<l Oak. andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED T0 THESE SETS; WICKER WARE, Beaut fnl Des : gns «>f Wick-r Ware, consist np of S0FAS, C9il£S, ROCKERS. etc.,vou ean get these in .’ny FINISH you desire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIBS, in everv stvle, inciuding OFFICE an.l HIGH CHAIBS. TEITSIOIT TABLES, We bave had a nuiuber of calls for these Ti.bles, \vith CHA1BS t > match. We buve now in stock the most i BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEX BERE. Sideboards and -;- Chiffoixiers rr 331 ‘V-A. KTS.-0 Di vans covered with PORTIERS are becpming qnite tbe rage in pUee of LOUNGES-wh niHr>afactare iheen to order. E and have a aige stock of P0RTIERS tu scl ct fr'_>m. BEDDI1TG-. Gre*t Assortment cfW0VEN IRE MATTRESSES—Spring.Hair. Moss, Wool and Straw Mattres«*s 011 han.i and made to onler. L1VE GEESK FEATHE3tS «nd SILK FLOSS for Pd!ows. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WlNDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. CORMCE POLES. in wood or br*ss trimmings. iEiira. Hattresses, Lounges and all Upbolstered FarnUore repairetl at reasonabie n t-es. :ABINET MAKINO. in all its braucbes, by C«\mpeaent Workmen. lfATTING LAID and Int-rior Decor..ting onder the Saperv siou of ilr. GEOEGE ORDWAY. Onr Goo«ls !<re F>rst Ch8s. and >ur pr;ees or*> tiie lowost Come ind be emvinced —a tri«l is s *lic te«l. > Bo!l 52Ō TELEPHOJ»ES: . . . Mqt *i 6*5[)BDWAY A PORTF,B. R>b n-K,.. B<«ok. h»»t«*«*B Fo»t >»»d uo&nu