Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.II HOLOMU^, 18 rCELISHED Everv A fternoon EXCEJT 8CSDAT CI THE Helemua Publishiag Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honoluln, H. I. S73GC?.:?7:::: f pa: 50 Cts. The pn-cr i« rte)iTerp«J hy C«rrier<< in tbe to*n miS *ubnH>«. Sirc!e (!opie.' 1>r < *lc at the N>«rs Pea!ers and at tLe Office of pnblicution. EOMUM SORR!ē, - • Edilor ABRAHAM FeRVA.\DEZ, - Mantger XOTICE. U1 Hnaineaa Coramuric>tiona shnnl«l be «•!.ire>>'e'! to Abrabam Fernande*, Honoln!n, H. I. (■<irrespoiii!. nc»> an l Comtnnnirations for , pnhliOMŪon »bould l>e •«■lilivHseii to tbe E<iitor Ilawuii H .lomna. Xo noiiee will be paiti to any unon.miou» con.uianipatīons. Kn.sino.ss Cards A. T. PETERSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Offlce: 113 Knalinmanu Street, Honoluln ( Ilawaiian Islands. CHAHLES CREIGHTON. ATTOKNEV AT LAW. Offl.-0: 113 KuaUnmann Slreet, Honolulu Hewaiian IhIhuiIh PAUL NEUMANN, attorney at law. 814 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutnal TeIephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHF0RD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OlHee. 01d Capitol ltuildirTg, (Honoluln Haie), *<ljomiup Poat Offi<x>, Uonoiulu. J0HN L0TA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olliee. coruor King & Rethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and General Auctioneer. Comer Fort and Quecn Street3. Honolulu Personnl atteution g>ven to Saies of Fnrnitnre, Real Eistate. Stock nml Geneml Merchandise. Matual Tciephoue 23$. a. rosa; ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 16 Kaahumanu St., Honolaln, Hawaiian Islands. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gbooery. Feed Stobe Jk Bakery, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honoluln. lGmpire Salcx)n, JAMES OLDS. PitoPRtrroa. Fine Wine& Uqioi% Beef, ALWAYS CN HAXD. Comer Nunanu and Botel Streeta Bell Telepbonr 241. Foat Offioe Box 107. W. S. LUCE Wine anei Spirit Merchant C»mja btU Fi rt-proof BLock, MERCHANT«T., HOKOLULU.