Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Grand Moonlight EXCuRSION TO TUE Ewa Plantation OVEK THE Oahu Railway, THIS EVENING. TUESDAY, Apr. 17. f wr A SPECIAfi TKAIX will >eive wt 7:4'» p. m. Returning. will arrive in Ilonolula ‘ ul* )ut 10:15 P. M. TICKETS, 75 Cts., Ronnd Tripp. T ckets will on sile at the t imni**di:)tv‘ly bti *re the de- ! p irt*ire of the tr.«in. Parties or Clubs siring to have a sp*cial c.ir r-»erv«l c.»n do so bv n*>tdVing the Suprintend>*nt i*efore Tueaday. at 5 P. M. and the purchaaing of at least 30 tickets. GE0. P. DAN1S0N T , S»prir>teidcnt. apr 17-td. Hexrv Cdxodox. L. H Dee CaIifornia Wiue Co. J03BEKS of — Wines, \ Spirits, & Beers. And ia f*itnre the bnsines.s will 1 bo carried nn nn<ler the nune and style of “ CALIEOKNIA WINE ;CŌ at 407 Fort street. Mclneruy ILoek. LEW15 i C0. Aholesal6 and Retaii Gro AXD PKOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 5ALM0N ONICE Bv Every 8an Fraaci.-oo Steiu&er. Salt Salmo\ i.\ Dakbels a Specialtt. /// Fori Si., Honolulu. Tel.\i40, P. O. Box 2yy. C.T. AKAXA N]8rc§ai}t īailop! 324 Nananu Street A.11 Suits Gruarauteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clotbes Cleaned and Repaired. | WANTED. ; A BRIG11T DOY MCST HAVE a horse to deliver newspapers. Apply at the HOLOMUA OFFIC3, Thomas B!ock. King Street. tf.