Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — HARRIS0N AND DOLE. [ARTICLE]
Tha Chicago Times Haa An Intei'view. Willi:» n Prcston H:irrisoD s HonoluUi ti the Ch:c.igo Times cont iir.s :» loug iut«rview witb Presiilent Dole. Ia answer t>» the qnestibn: “Wb.it. in yonr opiniou, is tiie sentiment of t!ie Japanese und tbe Chinese N>ward the restor,ition of a monarchv, Mr. jt)ole replied: “T!ie Chme.se and J.ipmes > engaged m legitim.ite eut-Tprises are w;thont donht in favor of good, pnre and honest governnoent. Lik*> bnsinass ra* n of other n« 1 1 n.ilities, thov would favor annex ition or a g<>< d se!f-govcrn nent f r the ial mds in case c>f s>ich a decision. Ga'iib!eis, sinngglers, and tlu>se interested in lolteries wonld prefer a return of the old monarcby, of c >nise.” “llawn coastitntion beeudrafted yet? ‘ ‘ No. positivcly none fnrther than rongh drafts drawn by members of tl;o present g >vernraent and others in tueir individual eap icity.” “Jf Congrcss rejects the annexation tre.itv, theu what?” “A lepnlilie will niidonbtedIy beestablished, bnt eveu theu \ve will not act hastily, «s the matter is of the greatcst irnportance to all parties concerned. AVe shaM \vish to havo representative features in case of the establishment of a repnblic, auel m the meanlime tlie provisional governraent wili eonlluue to acfc as at preaent.’ “When is the constitution likelv be proclaiiueds” ‘\Not until \»t* rcco‘ve final advices frora Cougress. The e!ec tions, I thiuk. will not be held for s<)iue tiiue after. We havo no iutont;on of acting hastily, asthe | bus:ness coniiunmty, «s a rnle, are satisfied with our present govenuneut.” “Is tliero auy danger of an u;>rising?” “I Uimk not; tho new const tutiou will embrace a popuiar fonn of govermnent, and that is w!iat the uatives are clamoring for.” ‘ Snppose the new goverumeut should be in favor *>f uion:irchy? “Snch will uot be the case. Besides the eonstitution would evnbrace a clause ui ikiug it uucoustitutioii.il t * returu to or advocate monarchy.” “The locd papers stite that Presulent C>evelan<l is greatly outraged at y>ur letter lo Alinis ter Wi!lis. ls there auy truth i:. the rep rt?” “I have read the aeeonnts, but iouk upou tlieui »s nuo£cial, aud theref >re piaee no credeu,‘0 m tiiem. lu the first piaee, thero \visnothiug in the letter of specificatious to briug ab<>ut suon a i fee!iug. Besules. our represent.itive at "W ashmgt •« h ;s not referred in any vay t > tbe mittT and our rel »tions wit!i Miuist->r Willis at presect are mv)st c»nlial. A. demand to retract the letter ,voui'l now be illog;cai, as thc origiual objectiou raiseil by Mr idis had b«en s:ibseqaently waived. a«d our Ltest ct»rrespondenoe has bet»n of a must friendly u.iture No insnlt was iut-ndt‘ 1, and uone should be »cct*pted. Tue sUte *>f ati» rs «t the Uuie uecessit.ited t!»e iuform.it»ou froui the Amenean 10 nister whother his iustruet»ous called npou huu to use { >rce m his etf rts to restore ihe ex qu«en, aud presse*I for «u immediate answer li was a matter of grave im;»orttnc3 confruLtmg ns. Property iuterests whieh we were lK>and to protect w«re at st »ke. C.t:zens wera m » stati of great alanu. »ud we were forccd tu a UrgeeXpenditara in prvp>r.».g for ilelenee. “lt h als.J beeu stat-<l th: t vou wi!l be ;>sked to withdra v certain statemeuts aud charge i, au«t iu the eveut of yuiu nuneuiUpliaaea tuak a.1 ūipiuaialio ucg >-
tiations between tlie two eoontries will be cut otf. “I look npon that as a einanl. I h;»ve nothing to wilhdrvw. «nd have no intention of withvlrawing anv statements I have ma»le. bnt I cannot believe tli it tbe ad:ninistrati»>n at W.»shingt >n woohl res >lve npon sach a step as to ; ceaso diplomalic uegot:ations with ns.” ■ Has any fore ; gn power recog nize»l tbe pr«jsent government as a de f.»et>> goverumeut' Untd the uew cre»lentia!s to t ; ;e Freuch ! commissioner sliall h.»ve «rrived I do not know what pos:tion Fr»nce inteuds to assume.’ ‘Sup}w>se Cougress assnmes tlie attitude th:»t the UnroJ St »tes will wash her hands of the **utire atf»ir, leaving tiie Hawaiian islands t > t ike care of themselves, but looking toward tbe interference on the part of anv i foreig i powcr as an act unfi iend Iv toward the Uuited States, theu what’’’ ‘*We shonld than f el that we con!»l do as we plei»sed. A\ e woul«l not recognize tbe rig!it of t!io United St»t--s to »lictite to us We wonl»l ieel at liberty to deal with any {.>rt*ign naiion «swe mig!it see fit, whether we s!ion!.l wish to make au exclnsive eomraercial tre.«ty or whether we sbouId requ st annesation or a prhoteetorate frora any otlier natio!i. We|feel that we buv a niade a fraiik proposul (o tijO I n 1 1«-< 1 Statesfora politicai union. lf she refuses we feol at liberty to look else-wbere for the s.uuo or auy otber couroe if we should so 1 decide.” “How nbout tbe oession of Pearl harbor to the United States?” ; “l ain glad that yon have asked me that qneslion. The tre «ty made wiUi tlie United St »tos expires tlie latter part »>f tbis ' \e.ir. Upon tho expiration »>f that tre»ty we need oaly givo 12 j montlis’ not eo to the l mteJ , St ites to vac »te. after whieh we j would feel froe to cedo it to any ! otber foreign power. 1 kn<»w tbat Amee.ean stateameu nnuffi cially huve questioned tbis rig >t lookuig upon tbe cession :«s a penu »uent oue. bnt I tliiuk it was Secretary Bay.«rd, wiio m his »>fficial capacity, took tbe ground tbat all obiig»tion on onr p«rt | ends with tde treaty now in force.” ‘ Has a* y propos vl as yet beeu made to the provjsional gi>-ern ment rel;»tive to annewliuu «>r a pr»>tector.ite b**ing otfered in cuse tiio Umted St »tes shon!d w;tb draw all interference in your loeal affairs?” ‘ The only proposition m.nle i w.s by Canad.a l >uking toward « cl»>se commercial nnion bctweeu ihe two conntries.” “Hus yonr heulth been good, Mr. President? ' “I have been suffering a great , deal with my head receutlv and .»eed a rest badly. At such an important juncture as tne pre-ent I do not like to le »ve Hunolulu, but l must take a vacauon short!y.” | The H iwaii «n Pork Packing Co ; h »ve elected officers £or the eusuing t rm as fol!ows: presi»la t E C. Winstoa; vice-do W. McCand-1 less; secy «ml treas R. L Auerb»ch; An»litorF. F. Porter. Tbe board of dir‘elon» of the C>m - | p:iny consisfc of Messrs \\;nston. McCandless, B irks, Porter, Ea» and Godfrey. — I W. O. S:uith the Bnrl of H?a!ta presi.L*nt, anJ his eon- ; freres will fiaJ raore leprosy ne.»s in t’ae Etstern papers in tue n ar futura thm lias baea seea for a long time- Tae b trrtogof| uewsp.»pcr »nen from the tnp to tho Iepersettlement. lastevening, was .vi warranted usarpatton uf authority and an nnnocess:iry sanb to foreiga corr«ī3poaJents and ioeal newsp p.-r men.