Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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1 j 1 Per P. M. S. S. China. I. • ‘ Chicago, Apnl 10. PeterJack- i son has sent a letter to James J i Corbett, asking him to make i some defiaite arrangement for 1 i their fight before Corbeit leaves j | for Engl ind. J icksoa offers to ! j figlit in Juno. Jnlv or Angus» for | 1 ■ u sicle wager of S10,000, the fight } to be iu private. \ Pliihnlelphia, Apiil 10. J.nnes i * ;J. Corbett g.av« a farewell per- * i formance last night at tlie Aea- 1 deniy of Music. He will suii i 1 tomorrow for Europe. Washingt n. Apr. 10. — Tbe f i Coinage s»nd Bond bill recentlv | introduced by Reprasent »tive i 1 Myer of New Jersey is bringing i uut a discassion between silver * ! and auti-siiver elements iu the 1 House. Myer was opposed to 1 Bland throughont the seiguior : ! age b U struggle, and voted 1 ' ag in .t it, lieuee lns propositu»u ( to eoin the seigaioi«ge umler ‘ j certaiu couditions is regHrded ao : * Ian overtflre from the auti-silver c j men to Bland’s follnwors. Myer's j ' , bdl followscloselv tbe Presideut’s ; . ! suggestions. Washington, Apr. 10-Attorney- ; . 1 Oeneiul O ney holds thut a Clii- i J ; nose inercbant, in order to enter the Uuited 8tites or retarn here rtfter he lias onee left, mnst be J designated bv name in the lirm. ForuierIy under the word **Co.” iiny uumber of Celestials miglit j euter the eountrv. claimiug to be : members «>f the firm s-> design , ( ated. lu pursu«nce of this decision, therefore. Secretarv Curlis'e has seut a telegram tu i i Collector?of Customs«t Portb»n<l : ! Susj»ension Bndge, New Y >rk: ; Key West, New ()rlesns. Port ; Tuwnsend, Pemhina. Burlingtoa i und Siu Fr»ncisco, instructmg i t them accordmgIy. Ogden, Apr. 10. —Listnight.*, j «fter « fuil hoaru’g of the i . Jadges Miuer and Merntt sigucd i a muudatoiy restr*imng »»rder ou , the Southeru P*cific Buiroad 1 ( i restraining it fixm keeping c»r \ \ : a luwing lu the city of Ogdeu the j ( j ludustnal Army brougut by s.i<l . railroad company "unlawfally j into s.aid Territorv,’ and ori«r- |. ing theiu ali back mto the t*euty- > , seveu box curs. or from keeptog ; , any port»on of the army m Ihe ' \ cars «uy louger iu the Terntory 1, tban is absolutely necessarv to haul them away. This means tb«t the Southeru Pacific K.td : roud mast at ouee cairy tbe army back wheuee il eame. Baen<>s Ayres. Apr. 10 —It is reported Loro Uiat tue

fl>et on the Amiaon river bvs revolted a’ainst the Pe xoto Government. Ad-nir*l D» and otber BrH2:linn refngt?es are said to have deserte>i the Portagaess w.ir ships aud made tbeir way to Aigent ne. and are on the way to join DeMello. A correnpond-nt ia Riorrrsnde ;do Sal.Br.izil, seiuis wonl that the bombard*nent began by the rebe!s Ust Friu»v was ren*?wed at snnr se yesterd.iv morningand at 4 o’eloek w.»s retarned fiereelv. Pir:s Apr. 10.—The F i’ pnblishes an rl!eg~d interv»ew wit'i King Hmi!'ert in whieh his M ijesty is cred te<l witli *lt-cl»r-ing tbat the d:iacaltie3 and rcis nn I r<t »n l:ng« b -iween Fmnce nnd It»!y h.»d their orīg n in the press of P»riv The K. ng said he reg-etted th( Fiench cust >oi> t »ritf. bat nl 'he bottom t!iere w»s no diflBcally between Frauce and ltaly. Lima. Pern. .-.pr. 10 —President Borgino h?s dissolved Coa gr ss »nd will shortly conve»ie a new As>emb!y. The Governrneat has >nram >ne.l »jrenei:tl C »nv t?ie Miuister at \Vashingtju. to Lima.