Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — MANAGER DAILEY'S C0. [ARTICLE]

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£ome Personal Mention About Thc Lead;ng Mcmbers. The persocel of Mansger Dai!ey’s Co. wLen consid a red carefnlly is more tban excellent and demonstrates tbe canse of his past snccess. D irre!I Vinton, the young Trapedian. has received datter:np tccominics from the press of Amer:ca for his H-im!et. Ricliard III. and in Francesca de K mini, and as a romantic actor is rated amonp the leaders. May Nannary, the ; bri!iiant yonng leadii>g lady is reputed to be one of the most versatilo actress in the United Sttes, haring snstained sach ro!es in orer ‘230 plays,any one of whieh sbe could pres a ut on an hour’s notice. Qaite an aeeom plishment it raust be said when we consider that tbe lady is not yet 23 years of age, and has snpported such art sts as Sheri dan, Warner, and Bindmann. Mrs. F M. J5.ites is an nctress of international repntation. and has won the lanrel wreath of merit by years of artistic wurk on two coutinents. Mortimer Snow. is a talented yonng graduate of ifarvard who preferred the picturing of lif a , to j the pnlpit for wliieh ha was educated, and after passiug through Boncicanlt’s school, join- ( ed Frohmans company playing , the famous Henry Millers pirts. 1 , For the past twoyears he has pro- - fited by stock exptrience aiul his ! • cleverness receives marked re- ( cognition. Josephine Gasstnan is the : brigbt 1 1 ttle suubeam whose pie- 1 : ture adorns so mmv catchv : ” 1 selectious displayed in onr loeal ( i music stores, and so d >wn the i : roster may be fonn 1 thespians ' I who comiuend tbemselvcs to onr ' loeal t!ieatre giers. and we predict a verv pleasant and prosperous season for tlie ruanager wiio | had safficient stamina ti bring 1 these artists so great a distance. •' I'