Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 89, 17 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Rai$ sti 11 dares to deal in sent.oiental poetry. Monte Cliristo, at the Opera House. tliis evenirg. Sheriff Chillingsworth of Maui is in town. Arthnr Uarrison is the proad possessor of a son and heir. Veting regi-ters shovr over a thousand names. Adm5ral Irwin nnd f=imily are at the Uawaiiun Hotcl. The baseball season will open on May oth. The Board of Health will prob ibly meet at Molokai tomorrow. Tlieosophy is fiuding many beliovers und followers in Honolulu. Business is no brighter and will uot be while tlie *‘no spend j oioney" crowd are in oiliee. Mr. L. A. Tburston is stated now to be married and eu route with his bride to Honolula. I | Two-hundred and ninety-five Asiatic3 left Honolulu by the steamer China. Fonr inter-island stenmers left i port tliis afteruoou for windward i (iorts. hat was tlie urubrosia eomposed of whieh was dispensed from tho Athenian booth ? AImost every seat on tlie box plan is taken for this eveuing’s performance at the Opera Hou.>o. Caj!t.iin Griffiths is comniencing to lake in sugir on the Albert. Ile Lopes to g<-t away in ten days. A breuk in the Lihue niill j cause<l coD.sider.ible overtime work at tho llonolulu Iron Works during the last fo\v days. It is reported that the p. g troops will attempt a battalion ilrill at Pulaee Square tomorrow evening. The Kinau only b»ought 50 bags of sugar in cargo besides 185 s ieks of potatoes, 70 sacks corn und 138 bags bonc. Do not forget the moonlight! excursion to Ewa to-ninht via the O ilri Kailway. A pleasant time j is assured. Tbe Fort street school ehihlren have beeu given oaly one j week s vuc.itioD instcad of two. Bv what unthoritv? Kum Wun has been returned | f o the juiI from t!ie Q.ieen’s Hos- ! nital. He is entircly recovered frorn the evil etlects of h:s at i tempted suicide. The schooner Transit sailed yesterdjy, for Sau Fnncisco, wali a sngir cargo vulaed at 5ol 7‘2G. The Kobert Lewers i will probabty sail to day. Admiml Wulker and his aides c.il!ed on the Cabinet th"s morn,mg The visit w«s returned by ; a eull on Admiral W.»lker on , boni\l the Flagship Fhilade!phia at 2 p. m. Mra. Phoehe Kibling, the wife | j of Captaiu Kibliug and mothercf Purser Kibliug both weli-known rosidents, died yestorday at her | homo on Fort street at jtbe ! advauced nge of 65 years. Two lots in tbe Peuinsula secj ti. n of laml. at Peail Harboi , ' facing (?) tbe proposed naval station were soid tuday bv Auctiuneer Morgan for $-400 eaeh. J. J. Wiliiums purehaser. j Sonaior Cunningham is waiting j p.»tieutly for Uie Aostralia as iiis stock of ktg Freuricks burg is to au eud. To nou bibul«nls «n oyster «ookUil, iu the Sen*tor"s styl«. is a (emper«te bnt strong invigor«toraad and lbe Feast oi Naiiuua errod iu not ubUiuing % 4« 6auator’« servioe«.