Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — A Big Social Event. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Big Social Event.

Tho initial perform)ince by Dailey’s talented Comp;iny: Tomorrow oveuing, tbo tnlented corapany cf Araerican players. who postponed tljeir initiul presentatiou so ns not to coutiict i witb the Feast of all Nations, wili give their inangoral perforraance of a short seasons stay in this city. The play chosen, “Monte ! , Cristo,’ is an exceptionally ; powerful MeIo-drama that abounds in striking situations, crisp dialogue and brilliant re- \ partee aud cails for considerable 1 scenic e{fect whieh Mauager Dailey has arranged. The Com- j pany bring specinl ward robe for ! all productions whieh will iusure ! exact productions, more purticu- < larly as they have received the highest encomiums of both the i pross and public of the I’nited States where they have just closed I a long season to snmmer here. The advont of this orgmization j here will undoubtedly prove a big society event as tbey are nnquestionably the most powerfnl j company individuuily that we have ever had the pleasure ot witnessing on our loeal stage. Yanager Dailey has decided not to repeat any plays; but will give 14 di?tinct proiluctions whieh includes two matinees. The ver3* choicest seats ara selling fast at Mr. Lsve_v’s store. •