Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — That Tired Feeling. [ARTICLE]
That Tired Feeling.
Tbe eDenoy are expriencing an an attack of “tbat tire»l feeling,’’ ever sinco tbe arrival of tbe China this morn'Dg. Tbe ntmost efforts of tbe HoLOMUA statf pbysician . have not availed to yield a satisfacton* diagnosis of tbe atfecti<m to onr friend8, the cnemy, bat it is surmisscd tbat tbe feeling of weariness is caused by tbe receipt of news from \Vasbington to tbe effect tbat tbe oatb of voters, os presciibed in tbe Convention act, is regarded by the Wasbington Government as an ' aVjandonmeat of tbe citizensbip ; of tfcose taken it, tbis supporting tbo position nssumed in tbe be- j giuning by tbis journal. Tbe boly guild were expecting(?) tbat Minister AVillis would receive iustructions from bis superior tbat tbe oatb in question sbould | not be regarded as atfecting tbe \ existiug citizeosbip of tbose who | swallow it. The exj)ectcd (?) did not occur, honee tbe tirod !eeling in tho land aml tbe depressed coantonauces of tbe “gang.”