Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OHEAP FUHNITURE ! yi|fG FAT (t Co, Corner of King «nd Botbel St&, Honolola, Offer a large assortment of fine and desirab!ej FU R MTUBE, whieh tbey sell at a very low fignre. Bed'steads, Boreans, Meat Safes, 1iVardrobes, etc., at prices to snit everybody. Call and*inspect for yourselves. mar 12 VING FAT A C0. NApI-yU-^0^A .TL*FT HECEIVED from JAi*AN Several Kind of Coiton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts m ditferent qnahnes.J| (qreat of poneelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lauterns aud many Curios scitable for Christmas Gootls. 411 K1XG feTl.EtT, Houoluln. Telfi>bone«, Bell 474. P.O. Boi 386. Mulual 544. nol3 Im Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, auother Iuvoice of the celebrated [JOHN WEILAND EXT^ PALi l A.qi =.ss.li VI Also, a Fbesh Isvoice of 'A fohi ! I I I l 3. L L. H, DEE, Proprictor. ,Sans Sonci Hūl'EI WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. . Firsf~C/ass Aeeommooations for m fourists and /s/and ōvests SuPER!OR BATH!NG rAClLIĪIES. PrhnU Cottag*$ for F»mifteS. T. A. 8IMPSON ManSg®r.