Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAIMPPOX Eotel stxeet ■ Arlirgtca BIock ) The i.boTe Stcrr reo*;r«d ac*oihcr IaTQ.Ct df Japanese Silk r ANCY G00D5 Per S. S. “ehina —co»ra®iNo— BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE. Djvs» Gc<K!i m »'.I >!;* pUin aa.i tig"re>) i Ccifcion5, T.\bV 0»pp», B«1 CoTcrs. r.own>, ShnT*!s. Sillv Ci;ipe Paiulmw SiSks. AO Cok ri Fiaor D«p«r!«c EBBE01DEEED HANDSEECH1EFS, Dōill.f>, S rf>. S >' Jacket>, Cji«s. EJc., E:e. NOVELTIES: Tbe rri«x>of thev* O -»1> w.ll a>toni»fc\oO. Indnd>ug ELECANT SiLK KIM0K08! Hano 5 .isocie Civrirette C.i> '>. i'ia Cns : ii.'tis S;Ik le i C, .-:es, UR(.E 1NDMM,I. .1 IMM>E Rl'GS Silk U'ie'iel'a*. liv:fct but >trong; Cl;.i;r S« i i! >. S i ; B.mib>K> B5 n i>. tit»o i w:th p'il!er>; S.lk Linip Su.i,!f>, n« w >t\ le. J.IP lNt.SK »CUEKN>. From $3 Vp. l ri;e jip»nes; i ip.kkli. s ■ ■ C.m l.e S : with P..'e in tie jfronn 1, nieo f-_>r Piouio or Lnnoho* onl of dovrs, i thoy ean be ojK-ne i out or us>,t .is a teat. CUTT()X CRAPKS IN GREAT VAH ETV K-. ip*c;fally Iar,tOil. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietres3. Aprl3-3:n8 LAEOE BCREAD. THE AMERICAN LEiOUE Bogs Icnve to iuin -uneo tlmt it ; h:is est tb islted nn £>iipioymeDt Bure ui m eonneelion \vitli tlio Amei iean Le«gsu) o will l»o p!easetl to farmsli you with skilleel or unsktlletl lul>or witlimit any foo for tlio engiging sncli labor. Tlie labor enr lleil w:tli us is of tlie following mt;on.»lit.os: Ain'erican, P»rtoguese, Huwiiiiaa, Oenuan, And otI»er Eiuopean N tiona!ities Begging leave to open a correspondence witli you on tliis subject, We lemain, A'our obevIient servants, Thf. Amfi;ican' Leaope Emploi--MENT BUREAC. A l.lr-->s all comm':nicitions to THEO. P. SEVERIN, S.*crt t iry. ,niar 2S-tf. P. O. B«x 403. Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGL1SH SETTER "Hoiiolulu Girl,*’ Bred at the Glenmore Ktnue's, BerkoIey, Cnla. Reg'stere;l ( N 31,093) A. K. CS. B.. Nt w V rk. Sired by la-e R., w noer of D-rby «t ih« Pa; cific Con«t F;eM Tri.:l at BtkerHiieI.i io l!dO. he hv Bo.iucy 9 4(V>. !r <u« P.;y.!.- II 2, lfi.>l, K«m1d*-t, lile > rsr««f Lee K . »y f">: D.. fr. K «tr D . 1.1.715] fra«u M»jrU.. II [2 165] iLk* [212, fr :a Phj. - 174 Tbe <um of H««n lu o (.irl w><» Heile Gls«I«lon", th« only <ltnghttr aa tbr P>«ifco Coast i«f ('haeipioii GUtIstone (113); fr>jm Zell, (3.364;.; by Dua, bom Champi..u PeU<rl, ;S,427j. THE POINTER ‘PIoiiolulu Duke,’ (30,853), bred at tho 5habb «ua Keonels, Ott<wa. XII. - by Omnuihw s>n, (7,843); fmm 5hurbs, fō,2*J3 ’lD tu fII Iil i is IheUf, by l»ck; frv.„ Be!te D. b» Tnaketl‘* Honoiuln Duk» is thorooghIy br ke ou phets.mts, \vith st»uuch po nts—m all-d.y th g. For furtber particulars. apply to or address W. M. CUNNINGHAM, mar 10 Anchop. Saloos, THOMAS LINDSAY. ilannfadurinj , t Jeutlei a’td Watchmaker, kfcIoen2jr BIock, 406 Fort bl., Hoaulala