Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Honolplu, April 12, 1894. Alahama pays its leg:slators 84 per day. Tbe ‘Pansy” is best auJ eheapest! Maine pays its legislators 8150 per annnm. Try the Joues Locked Penee for economy! Wyoming is tbe B.iby State in tbe Union. Tbe Jones Locked Fenco for strengtb 1 New Tork City is bailt on 41 square miles. Enclosed \vitb tbe Joues wire Fonce, Tammanyism wouiu stay tbere! Cbicago bas an area of 180 square miies. Tbe Aermotor will supply wa te to tbe world! | Petersburg, Va., covers 3 square milcs. i Haviland Cbina leads all others for bcauty! I | The Soutb contains 15,549.358 wbite persons and 6,898,806 ’ colored. Our Oil Stoves for baking save time and money! i 1 , , 1 Tbe voting population iu tbe United 1890, 13,230.168. | The Clauss bread knife does not i * make crumbs! ! ; Estimated popnlation of the United States, 1864, 56,580,740. | Tbe Littlo Giaut Kat Traps are wonders! Maine was a pnrt of Massacbussctts uuti! 1820. Tlie Fiscber Stsel Eange burns less fnel than any others! | Nevada bas the fewest inbabitants; Kew Tork tbe greatest number. Lomlon bas 4,231,431 inbabitants. Hendry’s Readv M'xed paints are great spreaders! The G. A. R. has 403,024 members in the Uaited States. The Hawaiian Hardware Co., leads iu everytbing! Kew Tork States sent 448,850 men iu the Union Army. Biru cages eitber brass or paiaied wire at Hawiiiiau Hardware Co! Mississippi h id 545 men in the i Union Armv, Table cutlety and scissors at tbe Hawaiian Hard*are Co! Tbeosopby was fouuded in New Tork in 1875. Bradley »fc Hubbard Lamps rival tbe sunlight! : Tbe typewriter was first thonght of by Heniy MIH 200 years ago. ’ ; Poi Bowls at tbe Hawaiian Hardware Co! • Ohio is the greatest sheep raising . State in the Union. The Hawaiiau Hardware Co., i organized fonr years ago, has gone to Ihe top of the ladder by | selling goods at low pricos, and being ** np to date in eaeh of its many lines. Ti8 Hawalia Hanii are Xe.. | I ■ ' ' * I 307 Fort Stroot. ‘ 1