Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — The President Vidicated. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The President Vidicated.

Tammany asd its gifted cewspaper backicg bave uot Lad rery distinguisbed luek of late. In , fact, with tbe exoeption of the defeat of Mr Hornblower’s eonfirmation and tbe election of Mr. Quigg. a R?publican, to Congress t tbey have not won an impcrtant victory since that dread(ul and portentous day when tbe iucormptible Maynard and the gallant MeKane went down in tbe -torm, a prosage of a bard and cold win:er. It was reasonable to supjxse when Mr. Croker went over to Wasbington tbat tbe • potential ity of b is presence and the magic of bis voice woo!d etfect a marvelous change; but Congress went abead calmly and passed the lariff hill, ineome tax and all, 1 just as if ilr. Croker, were an -effete I3riton in tho visitors’ gallery or a modest swain in bis bonevmoon. Furtberraore, Con-grc.-;s baJ tbe sbocking taste to pass tbe McGreary resolntion, indorsing Mr. Cleveland’s Hawaiian policy, altbougb it is gen-' erally knowa tliat Mr. Croker and Tammany and tbe Tammany organs are sensibly grieved by any demonstration in bebalf of right and justice. fhere was one little silver lining iu tbe Tamraany cloud. Tbe Hon. Amos Curamings of tbe E!eventl» New York district stood np and shoufed * No." It is true tbe walls did not fall in and tue tloor did not sink and it is also ! truo tbut while Mr. Cummings ; , was expanding bis cbest and pro1 claiming 1 No. 174 Democrats were saying ,; Y’es. ’ Tbe.se were mere side i*sues. Mr. f’ummings bad not been recreant to Jiis trust. He had stepped up to tbe 1 Speakcr’s de.sk and elliptieally advanced a negative propositiou, tbereby demonstrating tbat Tam- j i raany still lived and would be beard from ia all matters of vital ! puhlie interest. It was a tbrill- ) i ing moment tbat never will be ) forgotten by Oeneml Sickles, | wbo did not vote, and Mr. Cocklell of Texas, wbo bad recanted | aud wbispered ‘‘Y*es.” Aud it is not unlikely that Mr. Cummings bad tlio modest pleasure of seeing Lis pictnre in one or moro New Y’ork papers tbis morning and of knowiug tbat bis praise ' was sung and bis virtue extolled at tbe wigwam on East Four- | teenth street. Tbe Hawaiian incident so far j j as it relates to tbis conntry, is practically closed. The House of 1 i Represenattives. by an ovorwbel- i ! mīng majorlty, has condemned i | Mr. Stevens, has declared against annexation nud has decreed ( i that tbe people of Hawaii shall have absolute freedom and indopendence in pursuing tbeir own ; line of policy. All this imlicates | tbc action of tbe President, who ! bas rested ealm and content with | the assurance tbat sober reflection of tbe pooplo and their Representatives wou!d jostify his policy. I Of conrse Mr. CIeveland will bo still assailed by a rabid partisan pross. aiul by tbo Hoars, Fryes and Bontelles, wbo will reitorate i tbo exploded fiction about excess of constitutional authority, but a wilful partisan preversion of facts will not detract from tbo dignity ' and justice of bis position, whieh ) tho House resolution bas recog- , uized, and whieh tbo clearer after-iigbtof unprejndicedbistory ! will aeeoul to bim. — Examiner. • ——