Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — That Oath. [ARTICLE]
That Oath.
P,y reqnest of a nnml»er of foreigners we reprint tbe teit of tbe electoral oath of 1887 and of 1894. Any sane man ean see tbe * difference, and ean jndge cf tbe results as far as citizensbip is concerned. oatb or 1887. oath or 1S94. I— ape.1— a native I—age4—reaw, & of—re,iding o - i nAtire of — retddmg etreet in ard Xo. at —in said District, in the citr and do solemnlT swear in distnct, do solemniy the presence of Al»»*ar in the pres- mighty God, that I enee o( Almighty nill support and ! Ciod, that I will sup- bear true al!egiance I jKirt the Constitution to the ProTi»ional of tbe Hawa i i a n Govermneut o( the Kingdom promuIga- Hawaiian I slands, | ted and pnjcl&imed and will oppoae &ny ■ on the 7th day of attempt to re-est«b- ! July, 18S7, and the Ii»h tnonarchial govh w.h of said King- emmem in anv forra ( dom Kot K«rthy rt- in the Uawaiian L»l- [ nouucing, lut «r- , ands. prc**lu rtservin<j al! j alle</iance rotr ouitiy or h'ld by me.