Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Business Cards H. LOSE, Notary ]Piiblic. Collecior and General Bu.*iness Agent. Patentee of Ix>se's Chemical Compouno for Clarifyinr) Cane Juice. Suh~Aqent for stveral of fhe Best FIRE L\SVRANCE COS. Mnlnal Tclfphon* 5. P. O. B«->j XvS. Jfercunn» stpeet. Honolnlo. 1NTER-ISLAHD PiL0TACE. Cait. WILLĪAM DA\TES, - FOB THE l’ ui» T'VE! VE VEAKS in wmnnn.! a. Inter-Isii«n'l SU«*'ufl»K ''ffers bis s. rrices of P1 f .OT TO »NT (>.prt "rbin<titig iu tlie Ha« liinu !slnii'i*. Bnst of rffcrences, innuiie «t offi of .1. S Wai KKK over S(ii>*ckels K~uk. or \\ K f.HT B ">s.. Fort Strvet. fel> l4*tf. City^Wleat Jīarket Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Establisheil)1883. JOS. TINKER, I BtlTCljs^ Maker ofthe Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meut Delirered to Any Part of tlie City and Suburb9. Mutual Telephone Number 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Honolulu, : : H. 1. I GENERALa»‘ j Commission $-*• | -Mc Merchants - and — SUGAR FACTORS.
AGFXTS FOR I Lloyds j— Bhtish «nd Foreign Mahne Insnrauee Company, Limited. Korthern Assnr»noe Co, tīre 4 Hfe, Plonew Line of PaokeU fioiu Lfreipool. lawaiian Liue of Psckets. eamlian Pacific Rallway Co. -*xd Canādlan-Ai!stralīaii SteaasMc Co, Livr»eool Ornc*. T'-e AlSu j. Old HallSt tet>lo-,«m 3RUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Ba«ine«s ol a Fidaoarr X an« Ttvai»cted ■ attentk>n pTei» to ihe m*m»gemen 1 of Eatatea, OaaHianahipa, Tra»ta. «le.. etc., etc. Offic&>, : Carticrigkt BuiUUng Merchant Street, Honoinln. | GHAS. CIRDLER, aud Coramlssioi Merchant. t SPE(TALTTES; . 1 J k P. Coata' Maehine Tkw»d I j Jonaa Brjcka’ Maehine Thre**l BarboaF» Linen TLread 9 Pe*p»’ P. O. iA Maiaal T*.IepL>u» .» > 13 Ka>!ulu>un S(nMt