Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Jilational lfon Wori^ Qt£e>- Stkfxt, Betweea Aiakea * Rich»rd Sts THE rXT'EESir,yrD .-V 10 I =5Ake «11 kiadi of Irt>n Bst»ajc. Z;uo, Tin »cd Lc»d Atso G«n#rai Rcpsūr for Ri>«« Mill*. Cora MiUs, W*fc>r Wl>v!s \Vind Mūk, -to. M*ch;urs for th« Clo*ai.-u; ot Co«ee, C*s:jrOiis. F-e*ns Kae», Sk*i, F.s«pp’o Lwrss i olher Fibrr>n« And P*per Stockj AJso ltichinos for Exrr»cr.cg Suroh froa> tha llinioe. Am>tr Rvx>t, etc. riT All Order* pr.»mptlT *i; C 'ad«Ki s c. WHITE. RITMAN €\ CO. THE* ~ Pro\isionol (Ioveinnienf 0FFICIAL LIST OF MEM BERS AND LOCATK)N OF BCRE \US. Fx*csrriv*'CorxciL.5 ?. B. D->>. Ppe«J lei! >f !•>« f’r >v.f >- i;.>T«rri m-nl o{ th- y*ni«ter of Fr>rvt*’> MT«ir« A. Kine. Minl«t-*r >f (hv In!en-«r S. M. P«*I’ >•>. Mi- «••■• >f F:n . W. 0. 5mlth. Atiornvy-Gen«m AnnsoBT forsm. 1t. C. vriliii*r. Vlr» Prr-‘ ir;r nfthp Pr>*r;«ton«! Oorm>iner.l '>f thr HHnuti»n IMan-l*. C. Bolte, Johr> Kn’melnth. Poon Br«>Mrrl. F. D. Tenn> r. John Nott, W. F. Allon. John Kn*. Benrj W*terhou«e. J»mo» F. Mont»n A. V»nmr, Fd. ? >hr, F V Jo». P. Mend»nr*. Cha<>. T. P.' dT> r-.‘ ->*rr»’!*r- \Ft. »n-I Alr Ooanoil» Stprfme r*>fRr. Hon. A. F Jn<M. Chlef ln»tto«>. Hon. R. F. B'rkeTt«>n. Fir«t >«.~h t«tr J'i«f1r». Hon. W. F. Kre»r. »>»<>n.l A««-H*i*t» J>i»!lrr Hrnrr «mith. f’hi»f rirrk. Geo. i.ur»», DrputT OIrrk. C. F. Polem.m,»-» n 1 IV;> itr f ■ rk J. W*!t«r Joiie«. '!••!!• ■;r.ip> r. ClECriT JrDGKB. F-tr;rrnlt: j 0*hn 5»rond Cirrnlt (M*ni) \. V. Kepnik»!. Third«nd Fourth Cirrnits (īT«>rati) S, L,An»tln Kifth Cirouit: iKaimi) J. IInrdr. 0(Br>» Bnd f’>>tirVroom in f'.>urt Hon«r. Kinir »tpvt. . e i!ti .• ln Honolnlu Thr dr«r In Fehr>t«rr. M«r, Anr»( aml Vor>>m ber. I)*PtRTMENT 0F F»E*ir,N ArTAlF.«. Ofl1re In Papilnl BiilMI»ir. Klng «lrerf. UI« Exrellenry Sa.i((>rd B. Do.e, )llni»t»r of F»rel*n Affair«. Geo. C. Potter. Serret'rr. W. Hor«ce Wnght, Uonel li*rt, C!ctk.«. DEPABTME.NT<>r lNTKEIOP« HOilioe In Exer ;tive Bni.dins, Klna «!rec?. ilt« KTreIlenr- J. A. Klne. Mlnl«terof Interlor <’hlef CT»rk. J»hn .! If.:«« mp>r. Assl«Uot (Terk«; Jame< II. B«>yd. M. K Keohok»Io!e. .Stenhen M»ha*«\o v Oeome ('. K<>«Edward s. Boyd. BCttKAl’ OF A.’.EIi l’LTCR* AND F.>RC«TBT. Pre«1!e!it: 111« ET<vI!enrv t(.e Mtnl«!er 0f Iuterl»r. Wm. G In»in, AlUn H»rhert. John En». J—--ph M .r«d- i. r»mml«>ion< r and SccreUry. CHi*r» or Bt’R*ir- 1ktirior Oepahīhew Snrreyor ';ener«I. W. D. Ai. Tand> r Supt. Pnhl e \Vork«. W. E. Roae!i. Supt. W«tcr \V»rk«. Audrew Bn»ru. In«pertor. E!ertric I.isht«. John Cas»idy. RpRl«tr»r »f C tivevanre-. T. G, īiimm'. Rnad 5upervi*or. H nolain. W. H enn mln*». Chief Emdnwr Flre Per>t.. J««. H. Hunt. 5u»t. In«ane A«yln:’i l I>r. V. McWaytt* Depirtment or Fin*n»e. OfHce. Exe<-"tir» Bn!!dlng, Kin* «treet, • lnL«ter of Eii.«nre. HU Eieellenei ?- M. Ilunnn. Alldtt.>r < i«-n»r«I. Ge •(!!«• J. R»*«. Kevi«tr«r of A»o»i:it-. \V. G. k«!iley. Ork of Fin«nre o>!iny E. A. Mrlnerny. rol:eetor-«»fner«; o( CHML J««. B < «*t!e. Tax A-»o« «v}r. <>«hil. J-m*. Sh-«. IVputy T»I A««ee«or. W. C. Weelon. P.-«lnm.-‘!er-G€iier«l, J. Mort U»t, Cr»r>H« Br*EAt*. Offlee, Cnstom Hon«». E«p!«nad . Fort* street-Coilerlor-GeneraI. J»«. B. c«**!e. Depaty-Coi.emr F. B. Mr«W>kpr. H«rborm«ster. <!*pt»ln A. r.j!!er. Port 5orveyor. M. n s*n<lers. 5torekeeprr. <«*•»-,; e C. ->ra:erriejrr. DIPaKT*RNT OP AlTf.RNEr-GrNRt*U OC<N»ln Eiec’jUve Butl-ilng, Klng street Attomey-Genem!. W. O. 5<nl!h Ivputr Attorney.<*enera;.K. W!!der. Clcrk. J. M. Keu. Mar«h*!. E. G. Hileheoek. C!erk to M»r>h*l, H. M. 1-.*. Depu\y Mamhal. Arth>ir M. Bn>«n. JaUor 0*hn Prlson, J. A. [*>». Prisoa PhysicUr., Dr. C. B. Cooper. B-)asd op Ihxior*tton. Pr-«Hent. Hi« Exeeller.rr J. A. Kinr. * VemN*r of the Bn«ri of Im:ui^r«ti<»n; Hon. J. B. Atbervm. Ja«. I: Hon. A. B. C!erh .rn, James O. 5penrer. MarkJ P, InHmoa. 3ecretary, Wray Taylor. Bo*kO OP Hk*Lr:t. <MBrela gr>oiid«of Co’irt H./u*e Bat!ding eonier of MllUam aad Mueea >irwt». Mcmber*r Dr. Dar, Dr. lflner, Dr. Andrew«. J. T. Waterbouse Jr., John Ea*. Tbe*>, F. Umfn| snd Attomey-'ie3«ra! 5mlth. Pre*ldent—Hon. W. OSmfth. Vrr>’ljr, —Tha«. WHeo*. Executlre <MBcer—*'. B. Rernol<l«lnspector a’<d Jk«aaj{rrol <\«rhage L L* P5erre. Inspemor—O. W. C. Jones. Port Phy«lrian, Dr. 0. B. Andre»s. IHsp*-esārr, Dr. H. W, HowanL Leper 5etuemedt, Dr- R. K. <nirer. Bo*ed op EDrc*no<«. Court Uooae BoiMlag, K!ng>treet. Pr»»Ment, Hon. C. R- Bishop. 5ecretary, W. l*me« 5mīth. lnspectur of A. T. Aikioaoo.* Disrar<-TCor«T. Pohee ?fi!Ioa BalMlaf. Herthaa! »;re*t A ,3. M. R»bert*on, M«rt»trat*. Jsaths A- Thosasaon. rws