Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHEAP FURNITURE ! TIJTG FAT * Co, Corner of King acd Betbel Sts., Honoluln, :,cr a large assorttnent of fine and det>irab’e FURMTURE, wbicb tbey sell at a very low figcre. Bedsteads, Boreāus, Meat Safes, WanLohea. etc., at prices to Fnit even body. Call and inepēct foryonrselTes. mar 12 VlKG FAT A CO. NA|HD-ppDppS JUST KECEIVKDfrom JAPAN Several Kind of Cotton Crape, Latest Stylc of Shlrts in difierent qnahtles.| (|reat of porce!ain Tea Set« a Specialty Japancso L.anterns and manv Cnrios suifable for Christmas Goods. 411 KIXG STBEET. Honolulu. īelephonee, Bell 474. T.O, Box 386. Mulual $44. no!3 Im Criterion Saloon BFK AUSTRALIA, anotbcr Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILAND EX TAA LAGiR Also, a Fkesb Ixvoice of OALlpO^N!^ FOBcoacy/\iLs L. H. DEE, Proprietor. iSans Scmci HŪT'EI Ji WAIKIKI, HUNOLULU. First-C/ass Aeeommooations for fourists and Island Guests SUPERI0R BATH/RG FACIUTIES. Priv3fe Coff3get for F»milnS. : T. A. 8IKP60N. ltan«ger. ■ . ■ . i- , 7*' . ■■-■ i.