Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Postooaster General haa retarned to town from his Mani trip, . No band concert, by tbe p. g. combination, this afternoon at Emma Sqaare. The PLiladelphia 6and will play this afternoon and evening at tbe Bcretania street Skatingrint. The Robert Lewers will, verv prcbably, be the neit sailing vec -el to leave here for San Francisco, next Taesday being set as ber day of departore, She will cariy a mail The colliers King Cyras and W. F. Witzman will eaeh load sogar for San Francisco. The Dailey theatrical troape will open at the Opera Honse on next Tuesday evening, in tho Couut of Monte Cristo.” The “minstrel boys” of the Champion intend to give an entert iinment next week. J S. McGrew the iorrner head and front of the S(ar is still a 1 stcckholder in the eoneem. The sheet is ag iin indu!ging in polit- ! ieal passagcs defamatory of tho Qaeen. Chaplain Griffitbsof the Champion will pose as pastor of the Second Concregation of St. Andrew sCathedral tomorrow. * Tho Board of Edacation has uot inado anv inqairy, as yet, into the report that Fort street scholars had to »etnrn to school on Monday !i ,ter only one week’s vacation. ->ar Admiral Walker assumed 'Lommand of the Pacific Station at 10 o’eloek this morning relieving Rear Admiral Irwin. The usnal salutes were given. Tho U 8. o. Adams will sail to. ! nnrrnw momin" for thescaliug j grounds Nortb via Port Townsend. | Sho will carrv a mail. | Tho bark Albert has been moved over to DiHingham’s wharf : to allow of the dischargeof sever- j al thoasand bricks. . The schooner Bartlett will leavo port horo on next monday for the puano station at Lysau Island. Governor George Freeth will tako passage by her and superintend operations at tho j st ition until Iate in the fall. — The career of the American \ (?) Loagae is rapidly approach- j ing an end. ■ ■■ Tbe light weight ehampion Jim Barrington had friends who believed in his ability to stop George Washington in a limited number of rounds. G. Walter had friends of opposite opinion, so it hoeame necessary to make a match. Today Barrington with a few friends offered tosee a bluff made bv the Washingtoa party 1 and called it “down”. G. W. will not meet J. B. Actir.g, Col. J. H. Fisher has just snld his hoose so it is said for $6.00, Coraing events etc.