Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DAIKIPP0X HoteI street Arlington BIock ) ! The Swrs ha* m«i«I iacih«i 1 Japanese S:l:< *-ANCY GoOD5 Pcr S. S. “China —conr8.r*vB _ BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAP E. Dr?s» Go*xls in »11 pii:n ngnred Ca&h:oc.<. T»N«? Cowrs, Bed Cover<, Oo»n«, 0;-.ar.'. s 5L*»’» Silk frape Hainkw Slts. All Cok>rs F,inrT Dnpcrie< EMBP.O!DEKĒD HANDKERCHIEFS, Doillio> % S«v\rf-, Sr>:;' <. Etc.. E:o. XOVELTIES: The rnoe»of O00.U w;!J yoo incindiog ELEOANĪ S!LK KIM0NŪ81 Handsome Cigir<»tt.' C.i*- •>. Pin Cos’ik»b<, S.’.k T(.l 1' -. LIKOE AM> II.L J PiAESE Kl’ON Silk rni>Ti • * s. ‘ .! Cbair Si i ii. s. > Bnmboo Ul.n-.iH, r.::ol w:lh pn’’., ;. '. Silk La’-up Sii v les. :. s:\ . JAP.\XE>K 'l KEEN'. I r.snj3 t liule: jipinese i'ibsell’s * Can be Sst with P !e in tl ■ emnn.l, niee lor l’ii'nieH >..r Lunc;;-‘s ..;U o( ■; r*. 1 lhey eau 1« opentJ c»nt . r ase ! ~.1 t.:. t. COTT()N CRAPr.S IX GREAT VARIETV — -a Rcsi-.;t/ally I .v.tMRS, J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietres3. Aprl2-oti:* LAPOP BŪREAD. T1IE AMEIĪieAN LEAOl’E Begs loave to aunouneo th it it ! lms est.ibiif(Tied an Ea»playment Bareiu in connection with tLe Atnerican Leagne. W o willbe pleaaed to furmsli you with >kil•eil or unskiile<l labor witb t nny fee for tbe engigiug snch labor. The labor enrolle<l with ns is cf the following nationalities: American, Portngaeso, Hawaiian. Gerraan, And othor Enropean N .tionalities Begging leavo to open a oorj resi>OTulence with you ou this subject, We remain, Your obeJient servants, The Amebican Leaoue EmplovMEXT BUREAU. i AdJress all comraunicitions to THEO. P. SEVERIN. Secretary. ranr 2”Utf. P. O. Box 408. ; - Thoroughbred 00GS for Sale "HE ENGL1SH SETTER X» Bred at the Olenmoi. <nnt - "• Bcrkeley, Cala. BegistereJ N•. 31,098) A. K. C B., Ntw Y rk. Sire<l by l.ee R., winn<?r «( D-rhy at :!. ■ Pa; citīc Coast Kiei i Tnal at B)tkcn>he!.i ia I s.<0. be by 16.,, iusy lO.liiO. lr.'E Pbyih* II 2. !»*»/, K*xlaey. tbe I.e* 11.. Ty I*nc D., frorr> Kv«u D., i3,715; (rjra Hiyliis il[2.1t*5j Knke [2I2J fr<m Fhyi:i- 47 «. The dam o( Hon>inla liirl was B*Ile GUdstone, the on!y djnghter on th« Pacitic Coast o( ehampioa Gia<Ist,n« (li3>; fr<aa Zell, (3.564;.; by Dan, [1,356], (r,m Chutnpion P«tr-1, [S,4.’7

THE POINTEB ‘Honolulu I )uke,’ <30,Sō3), bre«I at the Sbabb na KeuneU OttiV>a, 11. by DeTon>hire son, (7,5t5'; (rom ?fcurb«, i5.2t>3''. The D«m <■>( ilunol’iln D;k* is Belle, by J»ck; (mm Keiie D. by Triuket:'* Ruig. (4.117/. Honoluln Duke is thoroogblv broke on pbeisints, \vith stauncb po>nts—tn all-day dog. For further particu!ars. apply to or addrcss W. M. CUNNINGHAM, mar 10 Anohoh Saloox*. THOMAS LINDSAY. Mannf<tcturing\ Jeucler and Watchmaker, Mclaerny Block, 405 Fort St., Hooolula