Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters 1 A_\D Provision Mercliants I 9S Fort Street. - Ilonoluln Pamilie?. Plantations anil Ships | snpplit\l with choieest | European & Amenean Grctceries California Protluce l>v Everv * * Steomer. L OCEAMC SteamsliipCo Time Table. LOCAL LLNE. S. S. Al'STRALIA. Airive Honololu Leave Honolnln i from S, F, ror S, F. Feb. ‘24 Mar. 31. Mar. ‘24 Mar. 3. Apr. ‘21 Apr. *2S. May 19 May. ‘2(5. Juna_16 Juue 23. I-huo-From San Fran. for Sydney. Arrive Honoluiu From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honoluln. Long Branch BAT H 1 NG Establishment. i ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort has been enlarged aml is now i open to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy 2 bath and there is uo better iplaee la - v off - s P ecifl1 accoramodations for Traracar « pass the door eveiy _ half hourand I on Satnrdays and SundayJ tver ) > fifteen minntes. C.iJ. SHERWOOD Proprietor.
N( »TICE The partnership beretofore existing between FreJerick H irrisou and Arthur H irrison, nnder tbe Srm name of Harrison Bros. as Contractor-> an<l Buil«lers, has been.by mutual cousent dissolved, and all parties oving said £rm «re hereby notified tiiat payment of the same most be made to Frederick Harrison, who is anthorized to settlo said business i within lhirty days from date. FEEDEnics Hap.p.isOX, Abthūb Haerison. Honolulu, H. L, March 5710, 1"94 mar 28—Iw. DiH€IHG CLASSES. DAN LY0NS DANCING CI_VSi> will fae ciiAngr<l froca the Dkill Shf;- lu Awox Halu wineh be h« rent<sd for TCEBDAY, THrRSDAY *aJ 8ATURDAY »! «ch TheSatar>kv orgsnized cUss for C'hiUren wili mee( at the A.riun Hail at 2 o'eloek Siianl it «ltenwoo. Aphl 7th. On Taesdav rreaiag, Aphl 10tu. at 7 o’eloek, « eUāa «īll bc formcJ for ilea aml Botb. Ōn Xhars«UT aften»oon. at S o'eioek Aphl 12lh, a apeeīal cUōs wiŪ be formed for Hawaiiana. The charsM for all daj Papila wiU be 25 ; ceota ■ leenoa. On th« abo»e tlaj s Mr. Ljon ean be seei> at the Hali lrom 9 'tu 12 noooa' 3t>>4- 3t. »