Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hawaiian I Hardware Company Ho.voLrLU, April 12. 1804. Alahama pa_vs it.s legislator< $4 per d*y. Tbe Pan?y is best aml eheapest’ Maine pays its Iegislators 8150 per annnm. Tn- the Jones LockeJ Fence for economy’ Wyomin" is the B iby State in the Uuion. The Jones Locked Fence for strength! New York City is built on 41 sq«aro miles. Enclosed with the Jone4. wire Fence, Tammanvisra wonkl stay there! Chicago has an area of 180 sqaare railes. The Aermotor will sapply wate lo the world! Petersbarg, Va., covers 3 square miles. Haviland Chiua leads all others for boauty! The Soath contains 15,519,358 white pcrsons and 6,898,806 colored. Our Oil Stoves for baking savo time and money! The voting population iu the LTnito/l 13 230 - 168. The CIauss bread knife does not mako crumbs! Estimated populaiion of the UnitStates, 1864. 56,580,740. The Little Giant Rat Traps are wonders! Maiue was a part of Massichussetts until 1820. The Fischcr Steel Range burns less fuel than any others! Nevada has the fowest inhabitants; Now York the greatest nnmber. London has 4,231,431 inhabitants. Hendry's Ready M;ied paints are great spreaders! The G. A. R. has 403,021 members in the United States. The Hawaiian Hardware Co., leads iu everything! New York States sent 448,850 men in the Union Armv. Bird cages eitber brass or painted wire at Hawaiian Hardware Co! Mississippi had 545 men in the Union Army.
, Tablo cullery and sci3sors at tbe Hawaiian Hardware Co! Theosopty was fonnded in New York in 1875. Bradley & Hubbard Lamps rival tbe sunligbt! The typewriter was first thought of by Henry Mill ‘200 years ago. Poi Bowls at the Hawaiian Hard- * ware Co! Ohio is the greatest sheep raising Stdte in the Union. The Hawaiian Hardware Co., organized fonr years ago, has gone to the top of the ladder by selling goods at low prices, and being ** op to date ’ in eaeh of its many lines. Tts Hawaiia Harlware Co.. 1 I 307