Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — FEAST 0F REIS0N. [ARTICLE]

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To Wiiieli Everyboi7 Is Weleome. Tbis eveaiug tbe loDg-coatenn-l platel “Ft ;ist of all Nations rr H\waiun orld » Fair. w!I open its door for the Srst ti:ne, to an undoubtedIv large numl-er iof tbe general puhlie, ia the bnilding near tbe corncr of F -retmia and Pnncbbowl streets known as tha Skating R;nk. Tae , interest taking in tbe forwarding . the b:\z\ir to its preseut eo’np!etion, bas doveloped int5 a most pleasant rivalrv between the manv meT\bers of tbe gentler sex, repres nt.«tive of tbe wit, wealtb an 1 intelligence of Hono1 lala, until the project. wbicb at ; first pre§aged to provo of, but i little labor of detail, bas boen j now pusbed to snch a nicety aud 1 exactness of repro<laction that j tbe visitors thore tbis evaning, of whatever nationality, will fiiul bimself at home and amid familiar characteristics cf tho lanl whieh gave bim(or ber)birtb. The ! object of tbis gr;\:id T5izaar ia to ! j obtaiu fun ls to assist certai!i . religious and chantable ( 1 work,the orgmiz itions for whieh \ j the assist«iiee is claimed to 1»-* i I most required being niostly 1 | “missiouary” aud are t!ie Kindor- i Gleaners, Womou > : ' Chr:stian Temperance Union, tln ! Y’s (a branch of the W. CT. I . { und tbo Sailor > Home Sjc * :y. « The b:izaar will consist of twe!ve . • difieront booths repr -sont.\tive *.f < ; as many countries, as fo’low>; ( America. A roora furuished - with purit«nical siraplicity and ( representative of eavly times in j | the American colony. M f r. b11 { Dole bas charge. i j Great 13ritian. An o’d Eugbsh j inn, “The Picd Liou” will bold a - i bevv of Briti.m’s dangbters and 1 I cbaperoned by Mrs. J.Hay TVood- 1 bouse tbe wife of il B. 51. Com- j i missioner. A tubleiux, or living plcture of Brltannia, snpported i b\ representatives of tho army s and uaw will be presented. 1 France. A roprodaction oī a i saīon of iho time of Louis . f Mrs. William G liwiu assuaies \ charge. I Germany One of those eom- t | fortable coffee (?) gardens for ( whieh tho Vaterlaud is so noled will be represented by tbis booth and will bo in cbargc of Mrs H. F. Glade. Hawaii. Tbo usual represoat- ‘ ation will bo givcn, that i» to say, |a ualive hut, witb tbe mo.lom - I additiou of :\ large lanai. Mrs. ( Haalelea will b ave charge. ’j Fortugal. This will be :\ very pretty spot and probably the -j i most detailed reproduction. in i cbaracter, of any of the bootbs. It will cont.ii:i ;\ v:i!a bnilt in ( aecord with tho oldcn architec 1 ture of the couatry. ?>Irs E. S. Cunh:\ will bo iu charge. Spain. Will bo almost as characteristic as Haw iii in be ing represeuto 1 by an o:d Mcxiean hut. Of cour.se, the hut will serve tho d .nvb!e purpose of representing Mesico as we,l S :in. Mrs.Paul Xeumann\vltb a beyy of brunette seuoriti>. w.U be proseut. Tbe other boolbs wJl repre>ent Cbina, in cb irge of Mrs Frauk Damon: Japan by M.-> C. C : : Swe.len and Norway by Mrs H. W. Schmidt; Aucient Greece by Mrs Widdifieid. 1 \ The p. g. band will ph\y on Fridav eveuing, aad oo Saturd»y afternoou, aud evening ti;e 1 S. FIagship Philadelphi\ w:l! be present. • ■ - ■ — — —■— ~