Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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The *’FoA8t ot Nati 08 ‘ Las its tlrst inDings tbis eToning. ______ • The U. S S. Adams will probably leave MonJay for tbe Xorth. Heavy rain showers prevailed from sat;down till after midnight yesterday. The nerve of the p. g's, in arranging an appropriation biil, is great indeed. There w.ll be a matinee of the Fei>t of Nations at the skating rink tomorrow. Lieutenant 8. A. Staunton an<l En«ign S. S. Wood are aidos to Admiral W.»lker. Wiud light N. E. sky oxerca.st, therraomoter 86 degrees, is the weather of today. Minister Willis visited the Philadelphia this raorning and receix-ed the usual honors. The Beretania streot skatingriuk presents a wonderfully changed interior appearauce. . . I The D.tilev theatrical eomhi- , uation will open at the Opera Houso ou Tuesday coraing next. All of the bills, connccted with the late popular mass meeting, | at Palaee Sqnare have been paid. ; Tho Central Uuion Church ! choir will not sing to night, thore is a feast oa the tapis else\vhore. ! — - Adrairal 55 alker >.senjoy!iigthe h ->spit tlities of Admiral Irwin on ! board tho U. S. Flagship Phila- ' »lelphia. The p. g. band eame x-ery neai j having thoir services dispensed with by non-ai«propriating of 1 salaries, yesterd»y, iu the eouncils. A. Francis Judd and W. O. Smith paid a visit to th<? Pliiladolphia this morning in cog. They remiued on board about an j hour. .. The sprinting controversy be tween the ehampion. King of the Philadelphia, and Reid an asp:rant for ehampion honors, still coutiimos Baainess is frightfully dull iu «11 linos of tr.»do and the gr iss still coutinues to groxv on many of the sidewalks in some of the principal streets of the citv. “Pulled for stealing a loaf of brea»I, ’ \vas the new crime. in thisconntry whichcaused troul-le f>>r au ohl darkoy, nnmed Woods, this morning. Space forbids the det i)!. The Hawaiian Ne\vs Co. are receiving a series of Hawaiian vie\vs compiled anJ nrranged by J. L. Stevens and I»ev. W. B Oleson. The text is written by . Miss Ne’lie Stovens. The fair sex wore working like bcavers. this morning, artistically :»rranging the varions booths : whieh will be presented in the Foast of Nations t is evei.iug. Residents as woll as tourists should \isit the D.»i Nippon, Japanese goods store. in Arliugton llloek, Hote! street aiul they will find mneh to intervst them. i Tbe Temple of Fasbion will ou Mouday uext at 9 o'eloek anil the entire slock will be sold at A great reduction for 30 Jays. Mssrs. 51. G. Sylv* <k Co. will copd ’ct tho sale. The Cabinet do not wish to accept the respoasibiIity of the Sunday-breakingby rifle praetice at tbe Makiki butts. The At toraey-General caunot now. plead j igiMkniDce of its occnrrence. Tbe otficers aud meu of all the war-sbips were kept on board their respective vossels ou the night of tbe mass-meetiug. It is rej>orte»l th »t tbe J.»panese criuser h:»d her cn*w aL q mrt*rs uutil t»lwr 9 u’elwek.