Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAIXIPPOX Hotel atreet Arli2gtcn Eloek ) The iK v-* I ' r • 4Ev'U.*r ii i vf Japanese Sslk. 7ANCY GoCDS Pcr S. S. ■ China.” - BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAP E. Dresa G ■ '> i:'. all ' , Ci»shk.n.s T vH!e Cor-r», BeāCovcrs, pLua anJ tigr:m!. (iinnn, Silk einpe llaiiiliow Silks. All Cl>I. rs FiU'-y DraperU's E1BR0IDEP.ED HAND£ERGH1EFS, Doittiv , Sc .rf<. s ' . Jucki’ts, C Etc., Etc. X()\Tj;riK>: The rricuoi th "■ ’> w;U..st ui»h ji'a. includiug ELECANT SILK KIM0N08I H4nd*ja;, C > iiv;u ~. ■ Pi;i Cn> .īoi'*, sr. i e ->;■ >, HR«E IM> SM iLL J KK.S Si’k V . ' r. ” '-. ! hnt <t: ' Ca iir S i !■!!- - S . .. Rrtiib.x> B1 u :s. titit 1 with pv.t!->y>; S;lk Linp Sh uh >. u v »»j J \ I' \ N »>E '< RCKS I r.nn l’p. UH«;EJlP NFs" riBREI.L S r ' C.m I S.-t '' P>*’« in ’ 5**"ni!. nicef >r Pi.mk-, <>r Lm.-h-s.int .! .•>. thty i-,\a be I or.t ...r 1 us a U:.t. Cl)TT( )N (, I{ Al*i:S IN GI!EAT VAI!ETY l ', > 'I.;sj).cti. r. •=;> i u!y I:iv ’ MRS. J. P- P. COLLACO, Fronrietre3S. Aprl3-8aia LAB0R BDREAD. THE AMEHIOAN LEAOl’E Begs Icave to :ii:ii ono t; i;i.t it h;js est.il> she l an K upl.»yment I3nre .u in e >nneetion w tli t’no Ameeiean Le g io \>e wiil l>o |)leased to farmsh ymx wilh skilleel or labor \vithout any feo for tuo engiging snch l.»bor. The !ithor enr«)lled with tt> is of tbe folluwi»g u it.ou, ilit.es: Atnerican, Portuguese. H i\v Germau, And other Earopoan N t; )?ialities 15egging leivo to opea a correspon»loiico v..tii yoa oa this sul)ject, AVe remain, Yonr obeil:ent sorv.mts, The Ameiii-’ik L::\g f E.mi i.-y-ME.NT UlI’.EAU. X3T AdJ r<*ss all eomm uie itious to TIIEO. P. SEVERIN, S?cret.*ry. rmu’ 2S-tf. P. O. P. x 1!H. Thoroughbred DOGS for 8ale THE ENOLL'H SETTER "Hoiiolnlu Oirl, ?5 Bretl at the G!enmore Kenne - Berkeley, C«ila. p k egi»ter>l (N •- 3I,00S/A. K. C S. B.. N v. Y rk. Siml by I <s> R.. w!or.-r ■>« D r' y -.t -h" P\; c:tio C«x»t Fiei<( Tn.,i at B.:kerxtie!J to 1880. Le by R.xl;i"v Inmi Pr:jiiu II 2,1G5-, R«xiii-y. the »ire <if I.ee B„ l>y 1 oe D., fmm K.!eD, r3.7l.Yj (r m ( hvU.s II [2 Jti5J Rxke [212; fr tu Ph) #74. ' ; The dam ol H a !u.n Giri ■»-■« Pelle Ghui- ! stoa«*, tlie oaly J ji"hl< r ou tfae Paeilia Coi>S uf Choui)>i.Mi (,U’h‘.>»< (113*; from ; Zcll, i3.S6f l>y Dun, [I.3.K!, fruiii eham- ] pīon Peael, [3,4271THE EOINĪEK *Honolulu Duke,’ (30.8.73), br« d Tit the Shr.bb -na Kea-.tls f Ott;v,a. l’l. by L>eponi>hirc- s >a, t7. 'l-“)T-fr.itn Shar } 4i, <0,263'; The D>ni of Honoloi'i D-ke i> br !a.,k; frjni He.io D. by Tnuke:t'« Bang, 14,117-. Honoluln Dukc is thoronghly 1 br ke on phe s.mts. W»th stannch ; po nts —m all-d y tb>g F >r fnrtiier pirt)cuiaro. apjily ! to or address W. M. CUNNINGHAM, I mar 10 Ax< hor S.vloox, THO.MAS LINDSAY Munnfudirinj Jeuelei a i l Waleh mukrr, I VIcltwnty BI>x.k. 4Uj Furt tit. Oua. ulai