Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers. Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliauts 9S Fort Stret-t. - Honolulp 1 Families Plantations au 1 Ships sapplietl with choice>t Enropean ā* A menean f .irocfrwf » California Prodaco bv Every S • r. j OCEAXXC Steamsh.ipCo Time Table. Throu«U I-ino-Frora San Fnn. for Syilney. Arrive Honolula LongBranch BATHING Establishment. This First-clnss Bathing Resort has been enlarged an I is now j open to tho pnhlie. It is the best plaee on tho islauds to enjoy . - a bath and there is uo better plaee to l iv ofL Special aeeom- . modations for L idies. Tramcars pass the d<>or eveiy hah’ ho ;raud on Satunbiys and Suudays everv ) fifteen minutes. C.SJ. SHERWOOD Proprietor. X( )TfCE Tho partnership heretofore j existing between Frederick Harrison and Arthur Harrison, nnder the firm name of Harr.son Bros. as Contmctors and Budders. has beeu.bviDutoal consent dissolvo 1 and all partiesowing sa.d firm are berebv not:fied timt payment of the s.tme mu>t Lo made to FreJerick Harrison, who is t authorized to settle said business s within thiity days frora date. Fr.EDEnicK Habri.sov, Ar.rncR Harrison. Honolulu, H. f., Mareh 27th, 18r*4 nr.ar —I w. 5 .—--L- _ I DAHCIHG CLASSES. ’ fl\N LYONS‘ D.V\riNG CT_\S.S wiU he s U fr'ia ihe Db.ill Shki. U, Akion ! Hall. he his leele.) f r TCESDAĪ, ! THCBSDAY wui SATUBDAY ot «aeh | »eek. L • TLe S-.tar.lu y orsrun2e<) •-!&..» loi L niloien •will ru-:et at the Ar;ou K-.-i at 2 o'eloek ; Satur!.;-'T aftcrnooo. Apnl 7th. j Ou Tat*T»y ertniug, Aprd 10‘u. li 7 ! o'eloek, • c!*j wui be f-jruieJ for Ueu &od Bjjl Ua Thar»diT a/teraooa. at 3 o eloek Aphl 12:h. a «peei&i «U1 tw forme<i for Hiwuuuu. The ch«rses (or »11 dar Pnpil» «ill be 25 eeuU • lr**ou. Ou th» »bore d«rt> Mr. Lr m eaa be teea i nt the U»d {iwu 0 k> 13 iwx>u« U*W 8t