Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

Hu.' lclc April 12, 1801. AI;i’> i ;mvs i:- legi<l;rī'r5 Si per d.< V. T 1; o P.i !' b:->t an»l eheapest! >Iiii;? r i ,ys i> leglālutors >150 per aunam. Trv ti:3 Joii!>s L3ckod Fence for eeon ooiy 1 Wvorn:ng 1' t!ie B il>y State iu the l'nion. The Jones L:cked Fenco for strengtli! New Y >rk Clty is built on 41 ,sqnare miles. Enclosed with the Jones \vire Fence, Tammanyism wouhl stiy there! Chicago has an arca of 1S0 sqnare railos. The Aermotor will snpph water to the workl! Potersburg, Vu., covors o sqnare miles. Haviluml China leads all others for boauty! Tho S 'ath contains 15,549,358 \vhite persons aad 0,898,806 colored. Onr Oi! St >vrs for baking save time and money! The voting population in the United Statcs, 1890, 13,230,168. T!ie C!aa«s broad knife does hot make cnunbs! Estiraated population of the United States, 1864, 56,580,740. Tho Littlo Giaut Rat Traps are wonders! Maine was a ]'irt of Massichnss Tls unti! 1820. Tiie Fls,hor St:el Kange bnrns less fnel than any othcrs! Nevada has the fewest inhabitant y: New York tlie greatest nnmbor. Londou has 4,231,431 inhabitant-. 1 Hemln ’- Iioady M xod paints are grcat spreaders! Tl:e G. A. B. has 403,024 members in tho Uaited Stutes, Tho Hawaiian Hardware Co., leads iu cverything! New Y irk States sent 448 850 men iu tho Union Army. Dird cagos olt!ier brass or painted wire at Hawaiian Hardw;ire Co! Mississ:ppi h d 545 men in the Union Army. Table cutlerv and scissors at the Hawaiian Hardware Co! rbeosonhy w.is fonuded in New Yuik ln 1375. Bradley & Hubbard Lamps rival tue suulight! 1 The typcwriter was first thought cf by Henrv* Mill 200 years ago. • Poi Bowis at the Hawaiian Hardware Co! Ohio ts the greatest sheep raisiug State in the Unien. The Hiwaiian Hardware Co., ■ organized foar years ago. bas gono to ihe top of the ladder by selling g\ods at low prices, and 1 beiug “ up to date ’ in e.ich of its * many liues. Tis Hmiai Bartfare Co., 307 Fort Street