Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Again in Town! Xew Soiii^s, Xo\v Hecitations, New Tnstrumental aml Band Seleotious The Latest and Be«t receiveii by the steamer iionowai, aro now on exliibition at the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlinptin Blook. Hotei Stre« t. Don’t mist «ke the Location. fel9 mi ARRIVED, M (,11 W<f m 8ABY ■ CARRIAGES OF.ALI/STVLF.s, CAKPETS ■ v IS TME LATEST.PATTERNS. “•HOUSEHOLD” SEWING MACHINES Ha.\d Sewi\o Machi\es, All With the Latext ImprovemenU'^f3 PARLOR Ors:ans, Oui tars Aoil Other Mnaiea] Ia-.trnmenU Wines, Liquors, Beer' ALWAY8 ON HAXD, AND ;FOK 8ALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLiEGER 4 C0 Kiae St.. opt«7. Ca«tle k Cooka'» Anchor-:-Sa(oon Ex “AUSTKALIA.” Another Invoice of the Worid Reuowned FREDERICKSBURG LAGEft BEER On dranght and by the keg.
Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California OYSTERS, koi i co(: K r r ai r s £ £1 lm