Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Businosi5 Cards M. LOSE, >Totarv Euhlie. Collector and General Business Agent. Paienke of Lose's Chemical Oompouno for Clarifying Cane Juice. Suh-Agent for sereral of the Best FIRE IXSŪBAXdE COS. Mntual lelephone >. P. 0. Box .»3S. Aferrhant sireet. Honolnln. if)TER-ISLAND PiL0TACE. Cait. wiluam davies. — POK Tf!F, Past TiVKI.VF, VEAKS in c»miuioi a Inter-IsUnd Ste«iuer>. otferH his 3crvu-es of I M LOT to akt port <-r IaQ liiig in the Hawiii. n Kland». J e** Bitit <>f wferenees, i,i.[njre nt offl of .1. S. \V | r KKR over Sju <'. , l<ej’s b; uk. or W r i;ht-Bko>., Fort Strvet. feh 1 4 ■ ti. CitysaMeat Market Oppo. Qneen Eimua Hall, EstablishedJ1883. JOS. TINKER, [ l = =• B U !l m Maker of the Celcbrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City aud Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 280. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Uonolulu, : : H. 1. GENERALanp Commission %*■ -«*: Merchants — AND — SUGAR FACT0RS. * A(.F>'TS FOR Lloyds :— L“ritiih and Foreign Marine Iu3nranee Company, Limited. Xorthern A.ssurance Co, fire & life. Pioneer Line of PaekeU (rom Lfreipoel. Line of P«ckets. eanaliau PaciSa Railway Co. C353dian-AiBtraliaa MmM 03. LivtKrooi OrricE;The Atbaty, OM HallSt. teDin-.tm IBRUGE & A. J. GARTWRIGHT Bosines8 of a Fjdnci«ry Nalnpe Tr«n*»cted. . rrompt aftention given to the of Eatat<-*, Ga«rduuabi|w. Tns:s, etc„ etc., et«. Omeea, : Cariicrighi Buildimj, Mervhant Street. Hanolnln.
CHAS. CIRDLER, Iraporter aiid CommŪ3sion Merchant, SPECIALTIES: J. i P. Co*t» Miwaioe Tlu«d }oom* Moehiae Thre»4 Baibonr*s Lioea Thi«*d Pe*»' Soap P. C». n-.i 35S- Mut.iu Trl«phi>tie 356 U KmImmm