Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TH_E l\w\^DED. Anlieuser-IBusch Brewing Co. Win; the Prize at the-■\Voi > lcl’s lTair ' vit h their ICA.OIli J3rancl J3eer. St. Lons. Oct. 28, 1S93. Messbs. Macfap.lane & Co., L’d , Honolulu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —TVe bave maileil you a copy of the Olohe-Pemoemi announein" tbe great victory won by tbe Axheu3ER-Bu&h Associa—- ! tiox with tbeir * EAGLE i3raml oi' Beer. [Signecll ANHEUSEK-BL'SII BEWING ASSOCIATION. I WEP m & % «1«. % & <3: * 9 f/. w RiSHlHk In ordering tbis Beci bosure to*sk for the “EAGLE‘ ! Brand. ; Macfarlane & Co., Mar. 11- -2ind. Ar/ents for Hauaiian ī*lands. AT THE CLUB 3TABLES. U CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire, Prouijit<r, 2,305, by Bl r c B«1L 75: Dam. Grace, by Bnecaneer, 2,656. Prompter is »lso the Sire of Aptx, 2:26; Tr:insit, 2.261; Walker. 2:231: Wales, 2:271; ('hieo, 2:24: and of the D.uns l : ril!iantiue, 2; 1 7 and Vigor, 2:23. ‘ , Ckeole’’ is jet black, oue hind while aud small stripe in face. Weight, 1,050 ponn ls; is rery stylish, gentle, a good prodnccr «nd a gnme race bf rse, Will stami for a limited nnmber of mares at FIFTV ($50) DOLI.AhS FOR THE Sl'ASOX, payable at time of service. Thi,s horse \\as bred in 1S92 to forty-six mares and produced forty-two coits. feb 17-im 13 LI 01imVAY & PORTER, Rohinson B!ock, Hoiel St., helween Forf aml Nuuann, Have Jr.st Ptct x d.]ti 1:to J ni\t; ’s. ll e J »if 111 el t f FVB MTLT.E Ever lmjorttd to tl is Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak, a»dof Ihe LATESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED TO TMESE SETS; WICKEH WAHE, Beaut fnl Des gus «>f W ioker W’are, consist ng of S0FAS, CHA1RS, BOCKERS. eto.. vou eau get these iu nny FINISH vou desire. CHAIRB f Coautiess numbers of CHArRS, iu everv stvlo, ir.clucling OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLES, We have had a nuniber of calls for these T;»bles. with CHAII»S t> maleh. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING RQ0M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers 7r JD 1 VA KTS.VĪ Divans cov red w th P0RTIERS are becoming qnite tbe nge in pūee of LOUXGES-we in uufacture them to order, .aml have a Uige stock of P0RT1EBS to scl ct from. EEEDI 3ST O- - Great Assortment ofWOV EN TV1RE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair. Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade to order. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS *nd S1LK FLOSS for Pil’owsCRIBS, CRADLES. eto. WLND0W SHADES of all colors and slz s. CORNlCE POLES. in wood or br"ss trimmings. X3 E IX5 XXT <3-. Mattres.se?. Loonges anJ all rpholstered Furoitare repaired at rrasonable n»tes. CABFNET MAKINO, in all its bRinches, by Compcaent Wcrk«nen. MATTIKG LA!D and Int-rior Decorating ander the Snperv*ston of Ml. GEORGE ORDWAY. . , . n Onr Goods are Frrst Cl as, and onr pneee *re tae iowest u.ome and be e nvirced —a tri.'I is sbc ted. __ Be!l 52-5. ĪEUEPHWE» Mut ai b4 » OEDW*t.y * POKTEH B >bmtNO Hl«ek. F*»rt «U*l Nnf«»u