Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 86, 13 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iOSEPHINE GASSMAN, the Vivacious Little Songstress with Dailey's Company. E. McInjy^ e $ B^0 1MP0RTERS\VND DE.VLERS IN Oroceries, Pixnisions AND Feed, EAST CORNER FORT KINO STS. New Groods Rec'd By evoiy Pacfcet frora tho Eastora States and Eampe. Fresb Californm Proilace by even stoaraer. All onlers faithfully attondeJ t<>. and Oo ds dolivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CilARGE. Islan l Orders Solicited. Sat : sfaction Gnaranteod PoLh OlEoe Box N<>. 145, Tele|dione No. 9*2. I]VSUīlA]V CE FIRE & M A RINE. THE UNDERSIGN£D IS AUTHOKIZED T0 TAKE FIEE avd MAKINE RISKS ON • rerchandise, H.nlls, Car"oes, and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES, IN THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES, viz: Roi/al Insurance Compamj t - Liverpool Allianee Assurunce Fire and Marine, Lomlon Wilhelma of \ Madgehurg General Insurance Co Sun īnsurance Company, - San Francisco .1. S.WAI.KER, Aixent fur Hawailan Islancla
WM. DAVIES, ! '—''— * Stevedor(' AN " AVrecker. ESTIMATE3 and contracts ON ALL KINDS 0F WORK. Tbe ?choooaer MAHIMAHI, srīl! rna rpgul »rly l«tween ih:s port an<l Waialua. K;»w»i’a.»p i, Moknhia, Ke«»euj: an i Kmki <;n thc is'aad of Oahn For Freight, etc , applT to the Captain. Best of References—Inquire at of J. S Walker. ov r Spreckels’ Bank. or Wright Bros Fort Street. dec I6-tfj Anchor-:-Sa!oon Ex “AUSTKALI A,” Auother Ifivoice of the W orl»i Reno\vn*ii FREDER!CKSBURG LAGER BEER Oa dranght acd by Ihe keg. Also, as a Speciaity. SSiALL FRESH CAUFORNlA | 0YSTERS, EO ll COCKTAl I •> 1 L2i l.u