Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iOSEPHINE GASSMAN. TtIE Vivacious Little Songstress with Dailey's Company. H* E'. Si Bf^o IMPORTEKS AXD2DEALERS IN Grroceries, I 3 rovisions AXD Feed ? EAST COENER FOET & KING STS. New 6oods Rcc d By every Packet from the Eastern States aml Europo. Fresh CaIifornia Prodnce by eveiy stearaer. All orders faithfnlly attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FEEE 0F CHAEGE. Island Orders Solicited. Sai:sfaction Gnaraqteed. Pot« Office Box No. 145, Telephone No. 9*2.
Long Branch BATH ING Establishment. i i TbisFirst-class Bathing Resort \ his been enlarged aml is now 0]>en to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay od. 8pecial aeeommodations for Ladies. Traracars pass the door every halt hourand on Saturdays and Snndays every fifteen minntee. C.|J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. N( >TICE j The partnership beretofore! existing between Frederick Har- > ; rison and Arthur Harrison. under tbe firm nara*> of Harrison Bros. j as Contn;ctors and Builders, has been.by mutual cousent dissolved, and all parties owing said £rm are hereby notified that payment of the same must be made to Frederick Harrison, who is authorized to settle said bnsiness j within thiity days frora date. Fbederick Habjusox, ABTHrB Harrison. I Honolulu, H. L, March 27th, 1S94 mar 28— 1 w. POTND MASTERS NOTlCE. Notic« U herebv giren to ail penoa». that thei« » *» Ihe G«Tema«nt Pooai »; M» kiki, one »timred black hor«, white «pot on tb« forebc»d, hin.l feet white. brand indescril*»ble. Anj pem>n or p»mona owning thi* horse re«iao»ted to co«»k* anH ( *ke the uune on or iWor*- 12 o'eioek :;ooc tUTUKDAY. Al’EIL, 21. 19W. JAMES Kl'KONA, Poaii-l Miain. Uekiki, Apr.,8. ISW.
LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retaii Gro AND PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALMON ONICE By Every 0an Francisco Steamer, Salt Salmon' Dt BARnn.s 'A Specialty, iii Forl St., Honolulu. Tr/.*3jo, P. O. Box 297. C.T. AKANA lailoi 1 ! 32-4 Nnnana Street .A.11 Suits CTuaranteed To Fit anA in the Latest Style. C’lotlies Cleaoe<l and Kepaiml. nol7 WANĪEO. abrightboy mcst have a horse to new.npapen». Apply at the HOLOMLA OFFICE, Tbom;i8 Block, Kiug Street. tf. DAHGIĪ(6 CLASSE8. iAX LY0K8’ DASCniO CLASb will ch*ng*d from the Dmn.t Shep to Auoh in vhich he hu rente<l for TCESDAY, Hl’BSDAY SATUBDAY ol e«ch The Satnnlay .jrc*niied class for Ctūldren ■21 meet at the Anon Hall at 2 o’eioek ktani*y altern«on. AprO Tth. On Tnenday eTcnmg, Apnl 10tn. at 7 ’eloek, a will be faxaed for Men and k>TS. Ōn Thor-«lay allemoon, at ’ o eloek Aph! 2th, ■ apeeUl elu» wiil be fonaed lor [ «'miuuiii. Tbr chifKtM (or aII ii*y Papil** eali » Ineua. Ou tbe *boT» dsv. Mr. Lyon c»a be *eeu t thc Hall hom » u, 12 noow .T6M 2\