Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — The Feast of Nations. [ARTICLE]

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The Feast of Nations.

■ ■ - ■■ i ■ i On Fridar and Satarday, a • □mnber ofladies acd geatlemeo. | »U1 coadnct a so-called Feast of Nations at tLe Berctania street | Annory. TLo atfair promise* to ■ be a grand snccefis, and as the | object i* charitable and for wortby pmpoaea, it is to be hoped that I the community witb its nsnal , : liberality will patronize the occa- ; i sions. Hawaii, Ame»-ica, Great Britain, Poitngal, Germanr, ! , France, Sweden, Xorway, Meiieo, { Spain, Greece, Ohina, Japan and India; will be all represented in different booths, and the assistanee whieh the Iady managers hare securod from all tbe beanty and talent of the town is a guar- j antee for the f ; uccess of the feast. | An attempt from some cranks | among the Iioyalists to give the affair, a polit;cal aspect has fortanately failed The Hawaiians shonld remember the liberality j shown by th) P. G. snpporters and oSicials at the Maternitv Hemo luau ai d reciprocating the good feelings shown to tbat speciai Hawa:ian institation torn oat in full force aud decline to bow i to the small spirited soals who kry to drag po!itics in eveiywhere. • Good masic, good things and lots i of fuu ean be Lad for 25 cents in i the afternoon and 50 cents in the eveniug. ChiJdren under 15years ■ | of age, half price, in the evening. !