Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

===== A cobrespoxdent frora Waiaj nae «tates olsewhere that in his I district tho P. G. want to put , women on tbe Board of Inspectors at the coming election. That ' is nbout the wisēst raove yet ; made by our immaculate governmeut. If anvthing eoukl induce ; us to register and vote it woukl 1 be some niee girl “inspecting’’ tke votor. One of Soapy >Mm's ' i dodges! A d<»g lover eomplaina over tke rcg.irdless manner in whieh the dog-catchers go to work. Any dog born siuce July lst 1893, is ! not liable to taxation and the Altoruey-general should instruct, the men to that etiect. A kanaka 1 ought to know the ditference be- ' tween a three-months pnp and a nine-month’s, even if he sees them alive on the street and not baked at a luau. ls it possible that the government h; s refused to grant Mr. Emmelnth access to the taxbooks and recordsof corporations? Such a moveon the part of the p g.would decidedly sbow to the conutiy and especia!ly to the American . Loague, how mueh respect and regard the P. G. have for the 1 Union Party platform, whieh has ' a plank calling for a revision of 1 our tax-6ystem. We hope that. 1 Mr. £mmeluth will take steps to ' enforce his rights as a citizen, a < tax-paver and a councillor. 1 _ 1