Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THē A^W/^OEO. .Ajuheuser-13uscli Co. Wini the J?rlze at the T"alr ' v T heir EAGL K J3raud 13eer. St. Lorrs, O t. ‘28.1“93. Messbs. Macfablam: & Co. } L’d., Honohila, H. I. Dear Sirs: —Ve have mailed yoa a copy of the GIrat announeinp the great victory won b\ tae Axiietsz:; -Bu>a A>' 'OIA—tiox with their “EAOLE Braud ot Beer. [Signed] ANHEUSER-BUSH BEWING AS80CIATI0N. k -h ■h 5. X VI.AR« X UP o s s m V, * 'S m Sffi£!SS In ordering thislBeer besuretoas'k fortlie ‘EAOLE Brand. Macfai*Iane & Co., Mar. 14— 2md. Ajents for Hairavan hlaads. AT THE CLUT? STABLES. “ CREOLE, ’ 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. stnpe .■ , goo<l prodnoer and a pame race horse, AVill stand for a liiuU-.-i nnmlxr of mares at FIFTY (|ōO) DOLLABS FOR THE SEASON, payable at tin;e o! service. This horse was bred in 1892 to forty-sis mares and produced forty-two co ts. feb 17-lm 13 VI DAV1S. OKBVAT & FORXEE. Robinson Bloch Hotd St., heheeen F«rt ami Miuann, Have Just Etcciv(d.]«r 1 *(e-An;\j.V. fle i: :£( 3 £i< tl cf ft B Nl'lUKE Ever lmported to this Conntry .• Coraprising Handsome Carved Bed:oom Sets In Solitl Osvli« and of ihe LA 7 ES'TDLS/G.\S. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N' IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICK.ER WAH.H, Beautiful Des gns of Wicker are, eoi ~ist ng of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS. etc., vou ean get thin »ny FINTSK vou desire. CHAIRS, Coontless nurabers of CHAIRS, iu cvery style. tnc'mdiog Ot FICE and HIGH CHAĪRS.
-n-gr-E-CTSI31T TABLES, We bave had a nnmber of calls for these T .blcwith CHAIKS t match. We have now in stock. the most BEAUTIFUL DINING RQ0M FURNiTUfiE EVER SEEN' HEEE Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers Divans covered wiih POf»TIEKS are Leeomin': qoite the nge in plaee of LOUXG£S —wo manofactnre theao to onler. an*i have a laige stook of PORTIE1KS to sel-et from. Great Assortme n | c f WOVES WIKE MATTKESSES —Spring. Hair. Moss, Wool r,|>d gtraw Mattresses on band and made to order. UVE GEES,£ FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for P.l ows. CP,IBS. CRADLES, etc. V /INDOW SHADES of all colors and siz-s. 'OOBNICE PObES. in wood or bnss ti immmgs. IES X XXT O"iatir Lonnges snd all Upholstered Furuiture repaired ai reasonabie rt tes. MAKISG. in all its branches, by C impeaenl Workmen /ATTTXft LA1D and InMrior Decorating andor tho Supervis:on o Mi. GEORGE ORDWAY. ‘ . . r Oor Goods are Firet CIass, aj»d our,|»fices t. te lowest Uom. and be conTinced —a trial i'»soliciTod. ' , . Bell 525. īKLEPHOmo*; ilni jai o*n-. ()RDWAy 4PORTEB. Robiuson Bhick. between Fort *t.d S man