Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — TIRED OF THE CHAIN. [ARTICLE]

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Kum Won Tnes to leave the : Priaon aad tbe Earth bv Cuttinir his Throat. | Kum Won, the notoriocs Chinese thief, who U serving a loag term of imprisomrent for several most daring barglaries, ' tried to commit snicide this 1 morning while working in the prison-gang in the rear of the residence of Consnl J. F. Haekfeld.on Punohhowl. The man was chained daring work together with another Chinese crim:nal and the notorions Ryan. It* will be remembered that he escaped from the prison-gang some times ago and wa.s reoaptured after nearly six months “vacation” by the ever vigilant detective, Wm. Larsen. This officer after a m»>5t vigorons search sncceeded in finding Kum Won in a barn near John A. Camrains’ resideuce at Pawaa, ou Febrt ary the 20th. The utraost vigi!ance has been nsed in gnarding thia desperate criminal, but today he someliow secured a knife and attempted to cjt his throat. He was brought to the Hospital where he is«mow under raedical treatment and it is to be hoped that t’ie antliorities will see that he dorsa’t escape. He ; s the raan who it 5s believed stabb- j ed the well kno'.vr> aurveyor, .Mr J. F. Brown in tlio wrist add serionsly injnred tli.it gent1eraan wben he found hiraself co»froutod , by the midniglit-bnrglar.

Preachers in Hawaii.

The New York Erening Fost i has this to say of the preacbers ; of Hawaii: “We are not called ; on to prove that any missionarv < i cheated or despoiled any Hawaii ian. We wonhl not do so if we ; could. Ou the f.iots n>>w before the world, the burden of procf is : on the missionar es. After having heen for seveuty years the j ! pastovs, teachers, gnides. and guardians of a sirap!e. ignorant, mohile, newly civilized race, the propeity of the islauds is fouud i to be mainly in thoir possession, ! in fhat of their sons, and other ahle, industrious, and euergetic wbite inen. with whoni tbey act and sympathize. At the same j time we find the raissionaries. ! 1 sons of missionaries, and their friends bere at home in the religious press, joiping in the general denunciation of these same naj tives as idolatrous, ignorant un ! chasto and unfit for sclf-govern-ment. There is no court of equity in the world whieli wonKl not under these circmustances finding Ihe raissionaries laden witli so mneh property, eompel them to explain how they eame by it. When a guardian is fouud gorged with the goods of his ward, Le is uot allowed to get off by abusing 1 the ward, or showing liow ignorI ant he is.” —The Moni(or. For Loafers only. Tacoma, Mar’ 19. -A letter re- I ceived this morning by James T. | Belcher, Hawaiian Consul at this port, from Presideut Dole of the Provisional government says: “You will kindlv n-e your efiorts to dissnade people for the present ( from coming to the isl;.nds either 1 in the capacity of volnnteers for . military service or for the pnr pose of obt iining eraployment. j i Tbe verv low price of sngar (?) has depresssd everv branch of trade, and there are m iny here enuhle to obtain »ny kiud of employ i raent.’’