Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — A Valuable Book. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Valuable Book.

i Mr. Cbas. B. Nottage L.L.B.F. R. G. S bas publisbed n boo< uuder tbe title:.“ln Searcb of a t Climate.” Tbe Tolaroe is most ! interesting and deals with Hawaiian roatters in a rer\' {>leasant ! * * t and easily read manner. It is a 1 carefully prepared work (351 pgs) beautifully gotten ap and elegantiy illustrated. Tbe author wbo is well-koowu bere is an indepeni dent but trutbfal writer, and we know of no modern work on Hawaii tbat eaa be coa»Qare<l witb bis book. ln a coming issoe, we ! sball review tbe volm1be iadetail. . For sal« «t tbe Hawaiian Xews Oompam , Priee $6.50 per coj\v