Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 84, 11 April 1894 Edition 02 — NEWS NOIES. [ARTICLE]

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There is a Cabinet crisis in Be!gium Snow storms throughout Bohemia are prerailing. Generai Crispo bas been declared elecled President of Venezue!a. President Barrios of Guatemala is alwavs attendeJ by a bodygnard. Repeated and severe eirthqnake? on the isthmasof Panama bave created great alarm. A bomb was foand in the theatre at Lueea, Italv, jast in time to prevent an explosion. The Norwegian Government has decided to pre'ent to the United States the faraons Viking ship sent to the Cbic.»go Fair. A dynamite bomb was found 5u a Buda Pesth cafe. It was e\ploded oatside the city and foand to have terrible force. The French Senate has passed the bill creating a Minister of Colon;es, 2*25 to 32, and agree l to the grant asked for in the bd!. A letter from Hawaii says the basiness depression there is very great. and many people have foond thernselves witbout employment. William Waldorf Astor is now a meraber of the Carlton Club of London, the headqoarters of t’ie extreme wing cf the Tory party. Meetings in commemoration of the proclamation of tbe Comj Hiane of Paris wero held at P »ris Snndav. There was no disorder. Ex-President Vasquez of Houj duras proposes to eome to the | United States and look into the ! pratical working of the American I svstem of government. ' ' The annnal report of the Cu1 nard Stearaship Line shows trade i unprofitab!e and disappoinfcing | for the past year. l*eceipts from ' second-class passeugers alone showed an increase. A tariff war is threatened between Austria and Pussia on aej count of Hussia Jemanding that the duty on Russian eom should | be redūced to a florin per double i hundredweight. The Portuguese meu-of-war j Mindello and Albaqnerque passjed out of H.o Harbor with Da Gama aud seventy of his oflicers ion board lately. Tbe destina- ■ tion is said to bo Buenos Ayres. The Empress of Germauy, Rusi sia and Austria are at Abbazzia. a watering plaee, descril>e.l as i ‘‘tho Niee of the Adriatic.” It is in tbe Gulf of Quarnero, a short ; distance from Tneste and Einme. It is now recognized in Paris j that the pnneipal incentive f>r ;Anarchistic crimes is the inori dinate love of notoriety. lt is S seriously proposed to prevent tbe j publication of the proceedings ! against Anarchists. The demonstration at Hyde , Park, London, latoly to protest : agaiust the aelion of the House Iof Lords in rejecting the Em- | ployers’ Liability bill : uumbered ; 80.000. Twelve* platforms were erected, from whieh speeches ; were made. Resolutions were i passed to have tiie bill again in- ' troduced and to ask the Governi ment to secme the abolition of | the House of Lords. It woukl appear as lhongh the f«te of tbe natiou depended on getting the Uuited States ship Alert ready for sea by the lst of Apnl. Tbe monitor Monterey left hex buoy the middle of the week and j steamed down passed the island and ont into San r ablo Bay for the purpose of giving her rudder a trial. The moaitor will soon ; go to sea for tbe parpose of tli ing tbe big gaus ia the» turrets, they uot havmg been fcre l siace the armor around the upper part of tbe tnrret has boen put on. The boi!ers of the Yorktowu, stili in drydock, are umlergoing 1 repairs. Tbe Boston has qaite a !arge ging of macbinists at work on her machinery. Owing to 'the return of ihe Marion to Yokohama, she will be repaired there insteadof at M.re Island. She will go direct from there to the Bering Sea. Tbo selection of Captain EImand O. Matthews, U. S. N., to be chief of the bnreaa of yaids and docks department meets with the hearty approval of all the officers stationed at Mare Isiand. and who are interested in its advancement in tfae first rank of naw vards. An' cxciting boat race over a three-miio coutse was rowed between crews' from the Indepen 1enee and Monterey, whieh was won bv the lonVar by a eoaple of boat lengths. Tirae, 28 mm. Several thōasand tiollars cbanged hands.