Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Weather moggy today. — Tbe Aiaeneaa ; ) Leagne tceet • tfcis erening. Bos : ness brightened a bit oinee last nigbt's matiny. Ladies and children were preaent at the mass-meeting Iast evening. They knew they were in safe hands. Tbe National Band was 5n time with the n a ual large aa*Iience last evening. Capt Grifnths reports the Aloha as off tbe west end of Molokai this morning. Wind light. sea very smooth. The schooner Aliee M. Cooke sailed at a little past noon for the Coast, fully laden with newspaper correspondence. • Tho S(ar's marine reporter may bave his ears clipped for stealing. Captains of vessels do not approve of his methods. — Mr. Henri Mcv5rew isgradual- , ly recovering bis health and ; strength. Mrs. Henri McGrew departed on the last stearaer. Captain Griffiths is again in port his vessel, the Alheii, | arriving this raorning with news dates to the 24th inst. There is ; no political prejudice barbored by tbe captain, aud the HoLomua th >nks him for uews favors. The press stand, at the raeeting !ast evening was occnpied by representatives of the Adverfiser, Holomla, HaUeiin, A8socuded Prcss, Uniled Press, S. F. Kxa~ miner, Chicago Pimee. and S. F. Chronicle. AIl heard the same statemeuts, saw the people, but, the reports,—those will be differ eut.