Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LABOR BDEEAD. THE AMEKICAN LEAOUE Begs lcave to announee that it bas establisbed an Employment Bureau in eonneelion witb tbo American League. We will be pleased to furnish you with skilIed or unskilled labor without any fee for the engaging sncb labor. Tbe labor enrolled with us is of tbe following nationalities: American, Portnguese, Hawaiian. German, And other Europ>ean NationaIities Begging leave to open a correspondence with you on this subject, We remain, Your obedient servants, The Axekicax Le.ague ExplotXEXT Bi'BEAC. • SS£T Address all communications toTHEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretary. mar 2S-tf. P. O. Box 498. POL'ND MASTER‘S NOTICE. Noiiee ia herebr giveD to »□ peraons. tbat tbere k tl tbe GoTenusent Ponnd «t Makiki, one strajed bUck hone. wfcite »pot on the forehe*J, hind (eel are white, braod inde9crib«bie. Any penon or penoiu ovniag thu bone an reqneat«d to eome ea>l teke tbe sem« on or hak. re 12 o’oioek noon SATU&DAY, APEIL, 21. 139*. JAMEi> KUKONA, ftjnnd M*6ter. Mekiki, Apt.6, 1S9k j