Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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T HE Aw\tlDED. Anlieuser-Busch Brewinsr Co. Wir ' the Brize atthe World/S T"air their EAGL h Braud Beer. Sx Lons. Oct. 2S, 1S93. 3iIes.sp.s. Macfajii..vne & Co. L’d , Honololn, H. f. Jjrnr Sirs: —We liave mail-id you a copy of the Gl ’r -D niocrat announeiu" tue great victovy wou by the Axheuseb-Bush Associa— Ihon with their ‘ LAGLL Lraud of lieer. I [Signed] ANHEUSER-rUSHCEWING ASSOCIATIOa. I 4 & & TT?AD£ A.K. % X .4' 8 ts ■ 0 3* -- A' «»s £ URlSSt<& r<7; n A2 In ovderlug this Becr besnre toask fortbe“EAGLE Braud. \lacfarlaue & Co., M >r. 14- 2rad. Agents f*r Hawaiian Islands.

AT THB CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Racord: Fcurth Heat 2:15. * J Wade at 3tockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. e rromt>*r 2 30S. bv n- e Bn!i. D«tn. «Moe. by T>nc?.ineer. 2.65ii Pr>mpter tbe Sire f Aih-v 2:26; Tn. '.< t, 22»)'.; lValker 2iUi; W;,ks. 2:27!; Chio>, 2:24: th b Bnn;s ImlI auUne. 2:17 and Vigor, 2:23. “Creole’* is iet bl«ck, oue hmd ) Sire, is olso the and of thv «u.......<..u..u.. —... —— . ., . , white (oot aud stuatl strn>e in f ( -ce. Ueight, 1,OōO pomu}s; ts very styhsh, gentle, u <jood pmdncer »nd m p>nie moe 1 orse, Mill stand for h liuiited nnuil>er of marts ac FITTV ('oO» DOLl.Al S FOR THES1AS0S', pnyable at tioie of service. This horse was bred iu 1892 to (ortv-sis mares an«l produce<l forty-two oo ts. feb 17-im D H D.VVIS. ORDWAY & PQRTES> Rohinson Bloch, IM St ., heiween Fort and Xunanu, Have Jr 1 r«tr : V«d. 1(r 1 1 ‘e A niu Ue1nf ts t Stc tV cf FUP. Mll LE Etoi Impoitcd to tMs Com»try. Corai iisiog Handsoms Carved Bsdroom Ssts In tSolicl andof ih: LA TESTDESIGSS. ESPECIAL A1TENT10N 1S CALLED T0 THESE SETS WIOKE3H '%7U' -7E7L 3H , Beaat ful Des gns < f Wic5i-r Ware, consist np of SOFAS, CHAlES, EOCKERS. etc.,you eaa got tbesa in »ny FIN ī-'H vo»i desire. O īī. A. ī IB, Couutlessnumbeisof CHAiUS. in everv style, mcladmg OEEKE and HIGH CHAIRS. tables, We bave Lad a nnmber of calls for tbese Tables. n itli <_ HA1I.S t mateh. We bt»ve now in stook tli« ra>>st BEfiUTIFUL D1N1NG RDOM FURN1TURE EVER SEEN HEEE. Sideboards and Ch,iffoniers IVANS Divans covered xvith PORTIERS are qaite the r«ge iu plaee of LOUXGES-w« mam;factnre t',em to crder, and bave a laige stock of PORTIERS to sel> ct from.

SSZ5XDI2STG6re,t -tWOVEN- WIKE MATOESsp-^t:«.Hjfc.' W.k)! nml Stnxw Mattres*es mi li»n S and io « lJer - L1VE GEESE FEATH11K-S .mi S1LK FLOSS for Pii ows. CBĪBS. CRADLES, ele. WINDOW bHAPES of nll coiors »nd s z s. OOKNlOE P'.)lJES, in wo.»i or br ss tri«nminga. " S 2=^-IEIDTC-. Mattre**s, Loanges .*l M ūph«lrt«a «P»” 4 “ r aso aole n tfs. , CABINET MAKINO. ia »11 its bwnchos. by Compeaant Workrnen. MATTING LA'D «nel I«t rior Decor*ti« g omler the bai>erv.s cu Ml O^S an«l °nr j.rices are t e lowest Corae * nd 1 Mjtu« «5, OEDWAi PORTKR. Eob.us.rn Uioek. bet*een Iort au.l > oaauu