Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Insuranco >^0^1005. Pire, Kaife & Marinc mSURI\HCE, HARTFORD FĪRE IX-URANTE C0„ As«ts, 7.1C9.825.49 LONDOX LAXC'AS iniiE FFRE IXS. C0.. Aaset3, $ 4.317.052.00 THAMES MERSFY MARIXE IXS. CO.. Assots, $ 6,124,057.00 XEW YORE LIEE IXSURAXCE CO.. Assots, 8137.499.198.99 C. C>. BERGER. Genera! Ageut i r t;.o Hawaiian Is'atuls, ilonolala FIRE & M A RINE. TIIE USDEESIGNED IS AUTHOEIZED TO TAKE EIP.E \d MAEINE EISKS ON _Buildings, rerchandise, Plnlls, Cargoes, I"reiglits and Commissions AT OUEEEM RATES, IX THE EOLLOWINO COAIPANTES, tiz: Royal Insuranc< C >n;parijj, - LiuerpooL Allianee Assur<mcc Fire anei Marine, Lonāon Wilhelma of Ma(l*ehur$ Genercd Insurance Co Sun Insurance Comp nvj, - San Francisco .T. S.WAI.KER, Agout for Hawaiian Islamis. Telkpho.ves; Residence: Bell 351 Muhial 410 Mutual 417 P. O. Box 11. E. B. THOMAS, . . s _ —•• : • W 1 ul C0NTBACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Given 011 All‘Ivinds OF BRI(l K, ST0NE i WOOOEN BULD1NGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE; Bncs. Limo, Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d & New Corragated Iron, Minton Tile8, Qaarry Ti!es, assorted s;zes and oolors; California and Monterey Sand, ■_Granite Cnrbing ahd Blocks, etc.. etc. I Corncr King <5* Smith Sts. OFFICE YARD; - OEBcc Hours, t> to xa,M., ( 1to4P. M.