Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E, MqIrty^ e niPORTEES ANl)JDEA LERS 15 Groceries, I^POAneiona AXD !Feed, EAST C0R5ER FORT ± KINO STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by ever>- steamer. AU orders faithfully attended to, and ds delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Islaad Orders Solicited. Satīsfaction Guarante<d. Pots 0fl5ce Box 5o. 145, Te!ephone 5o. 92.

OCEAXIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL LL\E. 8.8. ALSTRALIA. Arrive Honolnla Leare Honolnlu Jnne 16 June 23 From Sydney for San Franclsco. Leave Honolnlu. WM. DAVIES, Hi2ger, Stevecloix> an*d recker. ESTIMATEā A*D CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn rvgnlarly betwe«n this port and Waiulua. Kawaihapni, Moknleia, Keaweuni and Kniki on the island of Oahu. For Freight, etc , apply to the C*ptain. Best of Refereuces—Inquire at Otfice of J. S. Walker, over Spreckels’ Bank, or Wright Bro?, Fort Street. dec 16-tfJ Long Branch BATHING Establishment. TLisFii-sl class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is no» ov>en to the pnblic. It is the l>est plaee on the islunds to enjoy a bath and tbere is no better plaee to 1iy oH. Special aeeommodatioos for Ladies. Tramcars pass the d x>r even - Laif bo ! »r and on Satardays aud Sundays even fifteen minutes. CJJ. SH£RWOOD Proprietor. Notice. Dnring mr alwnoe from thu Ringdom. my brother LEE POI of tb« Firm of Snn Vm Hop Lnng K«« at Wakuae. Oaha, ahall met for me vitn fall pover of Attorney. KWAI YCEN Oaho. lhr. 5th, 1S04. mar &-lmo

H. MAY, & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters A>'D Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Strect. - Honolalu Families, Plantatious aml Ships supplied with cboicest Eu ropca n £. I merica n Grocrries California Produce by Eveiy NOTICE The partnersbip heretofore existing between Frederick Harrison «nd Arthur H«rrison, nnder ;he firm name of H«rrison Bros. «s Contr«ctors and Builders, h«s reen.by mutual cousent dissolved. and all p«rties owing said finn are hereby notified that payraent of the sarae must bo made to Frederick Harrison, who is «uthorized to settle said bnsiness within thirty days from d«te. Fredebick HarbisON, Akthi r Harrison. Honolulu, H. I., M«rch 27th, 1S04 mar 28 —Iw. LEWIS & C0. \Aholesale and Retail Grocers AND PKOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8 in Fraavi»oo S eamer. Salt Salxon in Barrels 'a Si ecialtt. III Fort Sl., Hono.'u 'u. Tel. J 240, P. O. Box 297. C.T. AKANA lailoi 1 ! 321 Nuuanu Street A.11 Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in tbe Latcst Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaire L nol7 WANĪEO. abrightboy must have a horse to deliver newspapers. Applv at tbe HOLOMl A OF FICE, Thomas Block. Kiug Street. tf. Di!tCIHG CLASSFS. OAN LYONS’ DANCING CLASS wiU b« from tbe Db.iu. Shci> lo A&ion Hall, wkieh he h«* rented for T CESDAT, THCBSDAY and SATURDAY ol «cb «wk. Tbe Sitorday ortpmizcd eia» lor Ctuldren will meek 11 the Ahon H»U «t 2 o'eloek Satnrday aftersoon, Aphl Ttb. On Tnead*y Apr.l 10tu. at 7 o'eloek, a cia&> will be <unued fo: Men «nd Boys. On Thnnd«y «ftemoon, at 3 o eloek Aphl I2th, n apeeinl eiu» wiil be fonn«d for Haw»iutns. The !or aQ >l»y Pnpila will bo 23 eents ■ lewon. On th« «hoee dav» Mr. Lyona eaa be «e«n «t tl« U«U frotu 9 tu 12 nooo. 21