Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 83, 10 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Oalin Raihav <S' W fo. T!ME TABLE OX lM> AFTER JOKl, s > » TRAINS 70 EVTA JTTLL. k T0 nON'OLLLE. A Satnrdays only. B Dailv. C Sum\av8 excepted. I) SatnrJiiys excepted. ?hf Solomua (TaUmbr, A.pi*il 1804. Foreign Vessels Expected. Am bk Ceylon F March 10 OS S Alamt‘<la SF March 15 - CASS Wnmmoo.. V.»ncouv(r. ,M«rch 23 O S S Anrtr*li« S F’ March 24 - Am Hchr Sn1vat<tr... .N S W Jan 29 | l,ym«n D Fo«ter NS \\ Fel> 12 Ani Mi«bk M’rn’gStr. .8onthSe.v».Mar 8-15 j (icr bk J C Gla.ie,.. l.iverpoot Apr 1-10 Jai> htmr Aikokn Marn. k’okohnma Apr 9 Am bk Amr Tnraer. ..Kew York.Jnly 1-10 j Am xchr Stan(orl .... N S W Peb20 Am sh ()cciileut.il Departnre B.. Feb 2S Am s<br Cyrn« KinR..NSW M>ir 1 i C,cr bkt M. HaeUeM Lon lon June 15 to20 Foreign Mail Service. 8tearn«hip« will leave for nn<l nrr : ve j from San Fr»ncisoo and othcr foreicn j j«>its. on or «l>ont the folIowing dates, i ti 11 the close of l.tAvr no!founx Drr. at Hn3rdLCi.c i n>K Svs Fran( :sto. Fu. S*N Frv>xiscd j ok Vascocver. ob Vancocver. \V«rriniOo.. .Ftb. 2S Araw« Feb. 23 I Anstralin M«r. 3Austr«Iia Feb. 24 | M«riposa M«r. S Ooeanie Mar. 6 i China M«r. 2(5 Al«meda .... Mar. 15 Austmlia Mar. 31 Warrimoo Mar. 23 Ara«r» Apnl 1 Australia Mar. 24 Monowai Apr. 5 Mariposa Apr. 12 Austra)ia A)>r. 2S China Apr. 17 Wammoo M«y l Anstnili« Apr. 21 Alameila May 3Araw«.... ..April23 i Oaeho....... .May 14 Monowai.... May 10 1 Australia M ty 26 Austnilia May 19 Mtui]>osa Miy 31 Wammoo Mny 23 Arnwa Juiie 1 AlanieA» June 7 Austmh i .Tune23 Austmlia June 16 Monowai Jum 28 Amwa .lune 23 Wammoo.... Jnly 1 Mariposa July5 j Ausfralia Jnly 21 Anstralia.... Jnly 14 Aliunc<la Jnly 2T> Wanimoo.. . Jnly 23 ! Amwa Ang. 1 Monowai Aug. 2 I Aus<nvlia Aur. 1S Australia Aug. 11 j Maripos<» Ang.23Arawa Ang. 23 W«rrimoo... Sept. 1 Alamoila.... Aug. 30 Anstralia 8cpt. 15 Anstralia Sept. 8 { Alonowai Sept. 22 W»rriraoo.. ,ftept. 2.'i j Arawa Oct. 3 M«np>s« Sept 27 Austmlia. ... ,0 -t. 10 Anstrali* .... Oct. 6 { Alnmeda CV». 18 Arawa Oct. 23 | W«rrimoo Nt>v. I Monowai ,...Oct. 25 j Au i > . Kot. 10 \natndia Kot. Manp>sa.... Nov. 15 Alauieila.... Not. 29 i Aiawa Deo. 1 Warriiiu>o.. ,Not.23 ■ Austrah» Doc. 8 Australia Dcc. 2 ; Monnwai ...,Deo. 13 Mariposa... Dec. 20 ( \Varrin;oo Dec.|30Arawa Dec. 22 j Australia... .Dec. 31 ! Vessels in Port. NAVAL VBSSKLS. r S S A(lanis, Nelson. rss l’hi’.al-'phia. Ksrker. H I J M Tak.ichihj, Njumra.Yokohan;* MEKinANĪMEN. llr bk \Antipt>e. N S \V. Am b v t W G Irwin. Wilh«ms, SF. Atu schr Oenev«, N S W. Am bkt W H Dimond, S. F. Am >chr A Allen, Sohace. Enrek«. Am >chr Ki»e Cyrus, Christians >n, N we’e. Am sohr O M K< ĪK>eg. īverson, Oay’s H. Haw hk'Helen 15re«er. Newell, New York. Am Mi-s stmr Mt>rniug Star. Garland. Haw schr Aloha, Dabei, S F. Svilney, M;trch *21—A sever cyofone swept over t!io Bourk distrfct this morning. Severa houses were blown down, ant munv butldings uuroofed. Sydney, M t rch 21— Sir Georg Dibbs. speaking at the licenset victuallers’ dinner, said he hopei the li»inor question would be set tled iu a mHuuer j :st to a clas of people who oontributed some thing like .1100,000 annu.illy t the revenne of the conntry. There was a partial eclipse of the moou visible at Auckl:ind on the comiug of the 2lst ult. Tbe Newcastle Town Conncil has agreed to urge the munieinalities of the colony to as! he Government to invite Mr. ( dstono to visit Australia. The sugar ioumal estimates the Qaeens!an.l sugnr crop this seusou at between ninety-niue and a hundred and seven tbousand tons. Cooktown has l>een visited by a fever epidemic of an e\teut nuuarrelled ainee 1875 Fortuuately uo cases have beeu atteuded by fatal r«sulu