Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Politics are picking up again. TLe American Leagne will not meel this evening. The Aliee Cooke will probably sail for the Coast tomorrow. Pnrser Kibling of the Claudine is thanked for news favors. Dan Lyon's dancirg class will meet at Arion Hall tomorrow evening. Pleasant weatber is reported by late voyagers between wind\vard ports and Honolnlu. — The scholars of the semi-pub-lie Government schools are enjoying a two week’s holiday. W. tc’i tbe.bottoms of the pants of 1 eal Araeric.tn (?) dues and lerau when it is raining in London. . The Jockey Clnb will meet at the Hotel this eveuing to consider rnatters in conuectiou with prospective races on June llth. 13usiness continues as dull as ever. The “no spend any money” party have the pull at the Goverument ‘ •barrel.*’ Tiie merabers of tlie secret Lenguo will uot meet to-night, but t adjournquickly and re assemb!e at Palueo Square. — The noise made by the large Trara\vay’sCo.’s 'bus i.sa nuisance and is dreaded as niueh as a Jr.iv by uervous horses. —- |, Thc Ilt. Kev. Bishop of P.mo- j polis accompanied by Father de C irapos has arrived in to\vn again by tho steamer Claudine. Measrs H. P. Bild\vin, G. X. Wilcox and Paul Isenberg, well i ! known sugar producers, arrived j bv the Claudiue yesterday from i Muui. I 1 j 1 Senator Morgan intends to ’ improve the Love property, on l i Emma street. uext the Squ«re, : bv having a fiue dwelling house > erected thereon. i . t The steamer Claudihe brouglit , ; tn port here yesterday as cargo; ; ] 7(>8‘2 bags sugar. 4-14 sacks pot ] atoes, 262 bags cora. 30 head : c«ttlo, 31 hogs, and over 900 « pckgs misCellnueous mdse. i i — The arrival of the stcaraer Lehua from Hawai brings news i that whales are plentiful along the const. Thirteen \vbales \vere ! 1 counted oH'Kaunakakai, Molokai, and a fe\v were seon otl Coco , Head, this islaad. ( lt is reported that the faraous ' “five puu’’ parrot of Major , Kronse has been sent to a loeal paiut-shop to have tho co!ors brightened up. The story is thought to be simply a purser’s l yarn. Thut Jangeroos school-boy weapon, tlie rubber sliug, is ig;iin in vogue. All parents, school-teachers aml poliea sbonld capture and des*roy snch rf the*e ! daugerOns plnythings as eeme wiihin their reacb. or elsj> sorae child. or raay be gro\vu {»ersou. i raav be rainus an eve. * — Sunday \\as again disgraced by ! the rifie shooting at the Makiki butts and tiie noise of whieh dis- ! turbed devotions at the Lunaiilo j Home whieh is sopposed to bc ; under the direct care of the missionarv elemeai The music of f - t'ae baud woold have beeu far more iu consonance with the . cbaracter of the day. — Amongst other passengers bronght by the steamer Clandine ' yestenlay. from wiudward ports wt-re; Mrs M G Correa, Miss L Cockett, J L Damas wife aud child, 11 S Tregloan, Geo Hons, E Laugebein. Peter Quiuo, M T Lyons. T F. Cook. A W Carter, J Dias, I H.ikuole, Y Amoy and 4o dock. i