Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kamehameha Concert. 3Ie£s. Chcmses, Warbles Ghoi? AND ScFfOOt Bm<3' Tho r.OYS w ;I be as.-i>;e4 bv others b:t are iloin*: tnost of the work THEMSELVES. to take plaoe Saturday, - April 7, at 7;4ō P M., at Kawaiahao - Church ADMISSION : : ŌCts Tiokels for Sale at Cs?tle A - Cix>ke’'. Thrutn's and Uawaiian Ne«> Cj. mar31-iw. OCEANIC SteamsliipCo Timo Table. LOCAL LIXE. S. S. AL T STRALIA. Arriv<? Honolaln Loave Honoluln trom S, F, ror 8, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19’ May. 26. June 16 June 23. T'hroiirrli I-i noĪ5From San Fr n. f<>r Sytlney. Arrivo Honoluin Alameila Mar ; Mariposa Ai>r 1 Mouowai May Alameila Jnne ! Mariposa .July Monowai Aug A'ameela Ang Maripusa Sep Mouowai Oct 15 12 10 7 5 •> 30 27 25 From Syilney for San Francisco. Leave Honolulu. WM. DAVIES, Rigg e r, Stevedort‘ AVD AV i^eekei 1 . ESTIMATES AXD COXTRACTS OX ALL KIXDS OF WOBK. The Sehoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn rvgn1ar!y Klw—n thi« port anf! \VaiaJja, Kaw uiupni, Muknleia. Keawenui »n i Kniki > n tbe laiauel of Oahu. For Freight, ctc , apply fo tbe Captain. Ue.-il of Beferences—īnquire at Offic ■ of J. S, Waiker, ov> r Spreckels Bauk, orWright Bros, Fort Street. <lec l6-tf| Long Branch BAT HIN G Estab!ishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlargeJ and is now open to the public. It ia the best piaee on tbe islamls to enjoy a bath anl there is no better plaee to lay ort. 8peci«l aeeommoJations for LaJies. Tramcars pas.s the Joor eveiy half hourand on SaturJays anJ SunJays every dfteen minutes. cīj. shērwood Proprietor.