Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Thoroughbred DOGS for Sale THE £NGL1SH SETTER "Honolulu Girl,” Bred at īhe Glenmore Kenne’s. Berke’ \v, Cala. Kegistered ->i31 .* A. K. CS. B . N-w Yrk br L« R., »;an- r , f rVrbr x' Pn; cir.c Cojta F;eH Tiv»! >; R»k#rs- >'.i m he bv Ko4ttey fi,490’< lr.’aa Phylli»II 'i 14’ , KisiBej, tbe «re o( l.«e K.. br I>oc !>.. :. K P.. ■ .... - ’.l - Kake '2:2: fr->a: PhyCīs -tT4. The dkai cf Han-ioia Girt was BeI2r Chb »£on«, the onlr d*aghter oa the P»cirio Coasto{ ChaaioK>n GI«iIsti>ne llo: (p.’Oi Zel’, 3,vVi>.; Pia, f!.33i>'. {r>m Cbj»m-L-i n PeCrti, s.4‘2T . THE POINTEK ’Honolulu Duke; (30,S53i bred at tho Shabb na Keauels, Ott.»wa. 1.1. by Deronshire S->n. 7,043 ; (rom Shurbs, 0.5363). The D>.ra ,f Ilonoialo Puke w Belie, br īaok; £rom Bciie D. br Triakett a Uan:;. :4,Ī17 . Honolula l)ake is thorooghly br ke on pbetstnts. with st;»uucb po’nts —m all-d.iy dog. . For fnrther p.trtiouliir5. apply to or address W. M. CUNININGHAM. mar 10 Axchor S.vloox. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Ackno»vledgnaents to Labor Gontracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses. Honoluln, Oahu. ALfent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt »t Scott’s FreigLt and Parcels Express. Agent for the BurIington Koute. Real Esta!e Bnfcer anel General Agent Bell Tel. 3TS; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; Xo. 38 MEKOHANI Street, Honolnlu, H. I. Henry Coxgdon. L. H. Dee. CalifoTiiia Wino Co. J03BFJtS OF . W ines, Spirits, & Beers. Aud in foture t're bnsitiess will be carried on nnder the n inie and | style of “ CALIFORNlA WTNE CO .” at 407 Fort street. Melneiuy B!oc c. LA80K BUSEAH. THE AMERICAN LEAOUE Begs loave to announee that it Iias estabiished an Etuployment Bureau iu conuection with tbe American League We wil’ be pleased to furmsh you with skilled or unskilled labor wit.hout nny fee for the engagiug sach labor. The labor enrolled with us is of the fo!Iowing n:it;ou ilities: American, Portuguese. Hawaiian, German, And other Earopean Nationalities Begging Ie ave to open a correspondence with yon on tbis snbject, We romain, Y*onr obedieut servants, The Ameeicax Leaoue Empl y- ‘ il EXT BCEE.vr. £37" A ldre<-ail comraunicitions to THEO. P. SEVEBIN, } Secretary. mar 23-tf. P. O. Box 498 ' __ » ■ ~ t POUND MASTER’S 5 NOTICF. ;; a N'oOoe i» herebr giTen to ai! jvrson», that j there is il ihe G*jrernmea; PoolA at Ma- ' kīki, one strare<i hlaek horse, <r'mte spot on th« forehead, hmJ feet are while, btoad ia»les.rnb*ble. \uj person or ptrsoas owaing tbi» aorse tre reo t ne»,teJ to coxe aim! i take the same on or beiore 12 o'eloek noon SATCRDAV, APKiL. 2L 1*44 JAill> kukona. Ponod \li-vr. k Makiki. Apr, 8,