Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Aff.il ō 1S93. Tbe worst case> of indigestion eome frcm poor cookin<r as often as from tbe qaality of the food. Years ago wlien the diet of tue natives consisted principallv of Poi and /i - dyspep-ia was an unknown quality amoag tliem. Their digestive org.xns were not impaired by the many dirfereat articles of food whieh contact with foreigners Las broug!;t tc tbeir uotice. lt is not that the food is not snited to tbe svstems of t'.ie Hawaiians that i!lness follows its adoption by them, but, because they Jo not take tbe same care iu cooking. Now, tbat Stoves. an 1 good ones too. are low iu the price, there is no reason why every native ou tho Islands shonld not have one. )Ve seli PANSY and have had >uch good reports from parties who have ussd them dariug tbe past four years. Tiiis Stove burns either wood or eoal, and are good bakers. We have tbem iu various sizes, and tbe prico is goverued accordingly. Wo also keep a Iarge stock of crockery, cnps and saucers, Poi Bowls etc., eitber white or colorcd, whieh weoffer at reduced prices. Iu fine China, we have what is considercd by jiulges to be ths best iu tho world. Our Haviland Ware is used iu all the best furailios, because it is jnst as eheap as plain white Cbina. Tbis article is sold in sets or single pieces; if you do not feei that yoncan atfbrd a full set at ono time begin l>y pnrchasing a haif dozen plates or a cupand sancer, you ean tben adl to it from tirae to time nntil your set is complete. If you happen to break any of the pieces yon ean alwaj-s replaco them from our stock so that your set is always perfect. The decorations ou the “2196” pattern, are Carnation stud and Gold, and are such that they never become eommon. A good eompanion for the Haviland China iu any house is the Ficher Steel Piange. It is a little higher in price than the Iron Stove,bnt tho saving in fuel soon makes np tlro diflereuce. One advantage in a steel range Auother is in the fact tbat tbe oven is ready for baking lō min- ; utes after tbe fire is strated. Are alreadv in the rauge, and vou ‘ t bave only make eonneelion with your water pipes and boiled to bave bot water for b ithiug or cookiug purposes. Oar ranges are made of material t\vice as tbick as formerly, conseqnently, they will last longer. Some of the readers of the Holomua aro iuterested in land and consequent’y, have to do more or less fencing. We bave a very large stook of plain and barbed, black and galvanized wire whieh we offer at tbe lowest ; prices. In eonneelion witb our wire, we sell the otber materi ils, stays and!wasbers.for making tbe celobrated .Jones Locked Fence whieh is acknowledged bv every one to be the best fence ever eonstructed. If yoa contempl ite bnilding a fence and w : .sh to save moaov and havo a wire fencethat will not sag you cannot do better than bny the stays, wiro aad wasbers. an l have the best fonce von ever saw. Understand oae thing’. We have the Iargest stock of goods for thē house, ranch and plantation to ba fonnd in the Is!ands, and the prices are lower than any other store. If you want garden hose, sprinklers, spades, sbnvels rakes. lawa--mowers or any tbing { e lse nsevl in the flower ganlen, we ean sell them chsaper than any one else. TSe Ba»aiia Hariwara Co., 307 Fort £treet.