Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
EUEOPEAN. It appears from latest intelligence to hand that the European Anarchists, well aware of the tremendous risks connected with their hateful schemes, have taken the precaution to insure the lives of those to whom the bombthrowing is entrusted. It appears there was an insurance policy for £8000 on the life of Vaillant, who threw the bomb in the French Chambers of Deputies, for which he suffered the death penalty; and it is also stated that the plotters killed at the explosion in the Church of the Madeleine in Paris were also insured. The appalling catastrophe which occurred at Santanda, in Spain, last November has had a lamentable sequel. While a num- 1 ber of men were engaged in removing the hulk of the vessel which was the cause of the original disaster, some of the unexploded dynamite went off, killing twelve persons and injuring thirty. The populace, incensed at what they believed to be the negligence of the authorities, to which they attributed the explosion, attacked the inspectors of shipping, and it was found necessary to call out the military to quell the disturbance. Another dynamite explosion has occurred in a French church, this time at Grenoble. Thirty persons were injured. London, Mar. 19. At a Trades Union meeting in Hyde Tark a resolution was carried unanimously in favor of abolishing the House of Lords. London, Mar. 18. Lord Rosebery had a most enthusiastic reception at Edinburgh, where he delivered an address last night. SOUTH AMERICA Buenos Ayres, Mar. 22. The new English Bank in River Plate has suspended payment. Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 22. President Peixoto has apologised for arresting a number of British blue jackets. Buenos Ayres, Mar. 23. The Portuguese warship declined to land here the Brazilian rebel Admiral Da Gama. Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 19. The insurgents are maintaining the rebellion in the San Paulo province. AUSTRALIAN. Melbourne, Mar. 21. The premier is surprised at the action of Mr. Arnold Morley, British Post-master-General, in renewing the Federal mail contract without imposing a condition as to reduced freights for dairy produce. Sydney, Mar. 23. Two harbor steamers collide in the harbor today, one having 200 passengers on board. They were cut to the water's edge, and were only saved from sinking by the bulkhead until the passengers were landed. AdeIaide, Mar. 23. Professor Kelly, occupying the chair of classics at the University, is dead. Brisbane, Mar. 22. The announcement that definite steps have been taken by a British syndicate to construct railways on the land-grant system is causing considerable excitement in the Central Territory. MISCELLANEOUS. Sydney, March 23—lntelligence from New Guinea reports a tribal fight at Rossil Island, and the victors commemorated their success by a cannibal feast. Twelve hundred captives were sacrificed at the feast.